Natl. Archives: Holding 5400 emails with Biden's Alias

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Leftist crime goes deep.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is “outraged” about Republicans’ failure to immediately open an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden following the revelation that the National Archives (NARA) possesses about 5,400 emails and records pertaining to Biden’s email aliases.

“I’m frankly very angry that we haven’t done it yet,” Greene said about a potential inquiry. “And it better happen when we get back into session. I want it the first week.”

Joe Biden’s email aliases — “Robert Peters,” “Robin Ware,” and “JRB Ware” — were used to share government information and discuss business with Hunter Biden and associates, according to the Southeastern Legal Foundation, which filed a lawsuit to compel the agency to turn over the emails.

MOAR here:
not to mention that the f b of I have been sitting on the most incriminating evidence on the face of the earth for over 5 years now

the Insurance File on Weiners

MTG and all the rest of the maggots are not asking the right questions nor are they looking in the right places

all this new evidence is being leaked , why?

to get rid of Poopie Pants?


a controlled demolition

It took time for the puppetmasters to overcome their revulsion of Kameltoe, enough to accept she'll have to be the stand-in, at least for the election.

I expect there's a frantic search right now for a body-double who can actually speak without falling into the singsong rhyming of the insane, the way she does.

But...once the theft of the election is done and certified...she'll get the Corn Pop treatment. Of course she's too stoo-pidd to see it coming right now. But it will happen, and whatever VP she was forced to accept - Michael, or Her Hillaryness...will be the new Preezy-Dint.

He'll have at LEAST as many votes as Corn Pop and Kameltoe.
Happy Update For Alla Youse Debbie Downers. This is all over X:


America First Legal Obtains Over 1,000 Emails Between VP Biden and Rosemont Seneca: Mockingbird Media Collusion, Favors for Friends, and More​

It seems more and more evident that Joe Biden flat out lied to the American people on the 2020 debate stage, among other times, when he said he had no association with his son’s business.

The Gateway Pundit has previously reported on emails from Hunter’s laptop revealed by Jon Herold of Badlands Media that outlined negotiations between Hunter Biden’s firm, Rosemont Seneca, former Clinton aide Sally Painter’s Blue Star Strategies, and Burisma’s Vadym Pozharskyi in which Pozharskyi expressed his “final goals” for their agreement:

“…to formulate a list of deliverables, including, but not limited to: a concrete course of actions, incl. meetings/communications resulting in high-ranking US officials in Ukraine (US Ambassador) and in US publicly or in private communication/comment expressing their “positive opinion” and supportof Nikolay/Burisma to the highest level of decision makers here in Ukraine.“

That email thread also disclosed that Pozharskyi would wire a $60,000 retainer “today” and asked “BS”, likely Blue Star, to countersign their agreement.

Just a few weeks later, Joe Biden flew to Ukraine for the infamous “son-of-a-bitch was fired” meeting with then Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

This is, of course, a drop in the bucket of evidence that has come to light suggesting that both Joe and Hunter Biden are acting as foreign agents with their deals between Ukrainian companies, Russian oligarchs and politicians, and the Chinese Communist Party, among others.

America First Legal Obtains Over 1,000 Emails Between VP Biden and Rosemont Seneca: Mockingbird Media Collusion, Favors for Friends, and More | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo

It seems more and more evident that Joe Biden flat out lied to the American people on the 2020 debate stage, among other times, when he said he had no association with his son’s business.


  • Hunter Biden's firm received a $3.5 million wire transfer in 2014 from Russian billionaire Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.
  • Hunter Biden had zero experience in the energy sector, but he was paid boatloads of cash by a corrupt Ukrainian gas company for a no-show job while his father was directing the Obama Administration's Ukraine policy as vice president. Hunter landed the sweetheart gig within weeks of his father's visitto Ukraine.
  • Hunter opened a joint bank account with a Chinese national tied to the Communist government. The account financed a $100,000 global spending spree for Hunter as well as Joe Biden's brother James and his wife Sara.
  • While Joe Biden advocated for legislation favored by big banks that made it harder for struggling Americans to declare bankruptcy, Biden's son Hunter was "earning" hundreds of thousands of dollars in "consultant fees" from one of those banks, MBNA.
  • While Biden oversaw Iraq policy, a construction firm that employed Biden's brother James magically secured $1.5 billion in contracts in Iraq.
  • Biden's brother Frank has called his last name "a tremendous asset" for his personal business ventures.
  • "Biden's brother [James] told executives at a healthcare firm that the former vice president's cancer initiative would promote their business, according to a participant in the conversation, who said the promise came as part of a pitch on behalf of potential investors in the firm," according to Politico.
  • Biden's brother James bought land on a Caribbean island in 2005, then turned around and sold one-third of it the next year to a lobbyist close to Biden for what had been the cost of the entire property.
  • While Biden was vice president, his son Hunter joined him on Air Force Twofor a trip to China. While in Beijing he arranged for his Chinese business partner to meet his father. Ten days after the trip, Hunter's firm received an approval from the Chinese government-owned Bank of China that paved the way for more than a billion dollars in business for Hunter's firm.
  • About one-fifth of the $11 million Biden's 2008 presidential campaign raised went to Biden family members through companies that employed them.
  • As early as the 1970s, Biden's brother James was cashing in on his name to secure "unusually generous" loans while then-Senator Biden sat on the Senate Banking Committee.
  • While Biden was vice president, the Delaware non-profit where his daughter was executive director received a federal grant totalling $166,000.
  • Biden's son-in-law Howard Krein founded an investment consultancy that immediately received special access to the Obama White House with Biden's help.

My point here is that none of this is news. It's been known for at least a decade that the Bidens are corrupt to the core. It's ignored by the media, the DOJ, FBI and everyone else in DC because it isn't just the Bidens doing it. It's all of them which is why they wanted Trump gone. As I have stated already, you don't spend millions as an attorney to get a 175k a year job in congress. You get a job in congress to enrich yourself and your family.
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