New tech could put an end to the green new deal.

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Randal is good in this but as he admits, he doesn't even fully understand how this works. In fact no one does right now but it works and it's been tested and proven. Open sourced too, along with part numbers to build one. No more pollution from Autos or any fossil fuel burning machine. I dont believe the climate change shit but I do believe any pollution from fossil fuels is bad and should be reduced and or eliminated. Breathing clean air isn't such a bad thing.
The Green Raw about GREEN.

Putting marginal megalomaniacs and narcissists into the middle of the cash-flow stream - to suck up all they can.

And it's about POWER. Power to order their lessers (who, before rigged elections, were their betters) to wear slave-muzzles, not attend church or civic-group meetings...but pot shops and liquor stores didn't spread the majik Wu Flu.

They don't CARE about new technology. They care about keeping the Green streaming in. Anything that interferes with it, is gonna be attacked and destroyed.

CJ...............don't know the real reasons behind this, but TPTB are serious as heart attacks about it going forward. I've posted a little bit about it in the commodities thread and the climate change legislation thread. We're kinda just getting started compared to Europe. They're going full steam ahead with some of the craziest laws / regs I've ever heard of. Hopefully won't get like that here for a while, but I think it's coming.
CC is about creating a carbon currency out of thin air based on hyperbole. The elites have it and control it subjecting lower classes to it.
I tried to watch the video, but got 3 minutes in and the guy is taking forever to make a point. The video is over 2 hours long and I'm not spending that much time hoping to find some meat. Is there a transcript of any salient points or is there a timestamp for a point where they get to the heart of the matter?
You can start at about 37 minutes in and they start to get to the heart of the technology.
Governments are already interested. Physicists have looked at it and don't understand how it works but it works.
So what this does is as follows as briefly as I can.
Tech can be fitted to any fossil fuel burning machine. Coal fired electric plants, cars, trains, ships, anything burning fossil fuels. Whatever this thing does the end result is 20% plus oxygen levels coming out the exhaust. Pretty much negligible levels of anything else.
Randal Carlson is not one to get involved in something that would be considered a hoax so he adds a ton of credibility just by getting involved. It is not new technology but has always been shut down in the past for obvious reasons. By open sourcing this they hope to get the tech out there in the open for the world to see.
They're serious about it.

Will the public tolerate it? Economy crashes to a halt. Housing evictions en masse. No food, no jobs, no work, just Stimmy Checks - that will buy nothing.

What we have to fear, is the pressure building. They cannot do what they're hell-bent on doing. Cannot - it's impossible, given man's needs, his temper, what happens when the Elites decide to starve and choke out a population.
Has anyone even bothered with the video? LOL.
Yes I think the hurdle is getting passed the corrupt DC politicians who just spend 400 billion on the green new deal. But, the way around them is just start using the technology and bypass their stupidity and corruption. As other countries come on board this would be huge. India is already ready to jump on board. They want to build a lot more coal fired plants. Adapting this tech means those plants start exhaling 20% oxygen instead of pollutants. The rest of the world won't be able to ignore it and rather than spend 400 billion on electric that is never going to work, we can adapt what we have, increase power output and have 0 emissions with a reduced fuel consumption.

Another point of interest in the video which Randall talks about is (I know I'm going to butcher this so apologies in advance), one of the components that is used in the assembly of this is a flange that connect 2 items together. The exact angle that must be used for optimal efficiencie is 51.84 degrees. If you have studied ancient history and artifacts at all then you are probably already having a lightbulb go off. As they were talking about this I was thinking man that's the same angle as the great pyramid in Giza. Coincidence? Maybe. All of a sudden the power plant theory is making a little more sense. Much more sense than the pyramids being tombs.

Well much of these things have been suppressed so the "science" is really scattered.

I'm not sure how his calling it "plasmoids". To me, it looks more like what I've posted on the early interest in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. They called it Cold Fusion when they first started with the discovery and that set it back at least a decade or two. Making a big comeback as it's pretty well understood to be proven now.

J...............don't know the real reasons behind this, but TPTB are serious as heart attacks about it going forward.
They need the carbon taxes as a new source of funding for their World gov bs. Everything else is already taxed to the max, so carbon is the new thing they came up with to levy a tax upon.

Hopefully won't get like that here for a while, but I think it's coming.
Only if people keep supporting the politicians who are driving it home. Ie: dems mostly, but keep voting for them because you know, orange man bad, right?
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