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Not an Onion headline

On today’s episode of Human Events Daily, Jack Posobiec breaks down Georgia Grand Jury foreperson, Emily Kohrs and her uncomfortable obsession with former President Donald Trump and her clout-chasing quest to see him indicted. Poso also dissects the latest from 9/11 lawyer who gave an ominous warning to the people afflicted by the ecological disaster in East Palestine. Poso then gives an unfiltered breakdown of recent polls that show a shocking lack of support for the war in Ukraine, despite what mainstream media reports - all this and more on today’s HUMAN EVENTS DAILY!

NAILED IT. She is a witch wanna be. Maybe we really can create our reality here because she has created a very witch-like persona.

^ Link includes a transcript of the podcast (so you can read instead of listen, if you prefer)
With respect to statistics and the interpretation thereof:

More (long):

Matt Taibbi rants about MSNBC's editorial standards...

More (long):


Joe.................serious question.

Do you have any viable proof of this that you can actually go public with or is this simply an opinion? If you have proof will you share it?
I'm glad you asked.

Yes I do, and it's already public.

The Durham report clearly stated that there existed no credible evidence to start the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
....and the Mueller report came up with a big goose egg on it too.

If there existed any evidence at all, why couldn't either of them find it?

For years we heard that liar schiff saying that there was tons of evidence, yet he still has not turned any of it over to anyone. Is he secretly on Trump's side, or what?

Durham's report further stated that the fbi applied a different standard to Trump's investigation than they did to the hag's email scandal investigation.

A different standard? Why would they do that? Doesn't the Constitution guarantee all of us, including you me and Trump, equal Rights in the eyes of our government and equal protection under its laws?

How could it ever be proper and Just for them to investigate one citizen using one standard, but then investigate another citizen using a different standard?
Where in the Constitution does it allow that?

Would you like it if you were to be investigated by the full weight and power of the fed.gov using a standard that only applied to you, and not others? Would that seem fair to you?

Edited to add: a video from five years ago that lays it all out. This was public knowledge back then, but only for those without cnn and rachel madcow in each ear.

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Is there anything else to respond with?

Well, other than an I was wrong?
.....and people who irrationally hate Trump find it really hard to do that.

Kinda like the bidet finally letting more wall get built, but still unable to acknowledge that Trump was right for wanting it built to begin with.

The people who have spent the past eight years irrationally hating Trump simply cannot bring themselves to acknowledge the truth of the matter.

That's the key word.

We can discuss, argue, FACTS - when we're in the same reality. When half the discussion group is mired in FANTASY...and insists on ALTERNATE REALITY...there's nothing to discuss.

Nothing to say. All there is, is irrational anger and assertions on the fantasy side; and disgust on the side that clings to empirical facts, that tries to tune out the noise of propaganda.

Over on that **OTHER** site, I see the Joo-Bashers and crypto-Nahsees are coming out of the woodwork. Of all the things to blame the Middle East chaos on...religious precepts, land claims, national subsidies from Western nations, price of oil, the illiterate population and its manipulation by their own leaders...

...they make it about RACE. Time for another pogrom.

We know how that went, last time. I guess they want another round of it.
* bump *

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