No banks are safe (bail ins, FDIC limits, systemic risks)

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GSIBs still crying about Basel III capital requirements. They better hope they never find out if those "stress tests" are just a sham.

The Fund Created to Unwind a Failing Megabank Has a Problem: There’s No Money in It​

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: July 9, 2024 ~

Last week the American Banker published an opinion article by Arthur E. Wilmarth, Jr., the Professor Emeritus of Law at George Washington University. Wilmarth is the man who wrote the seminal book on the continuing threat to financial stability posed by U.S. megabanks – the same ones that blew up Wall Street and the U.S. economy in 2008.

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covers the gamut from banking to PM's

Jon Dowling & Bill Holter Discuss Latest Updates, Finance & Precious Metals​

Ho Lees Hit

Psyop agitprop.

This is CHY-NUH. Where Coe-Vidd struck down healthy people on the streets, by the thousands. Where we got videos of stacks of bodies in makeshift morgues - occasionally sitting up or blinking.

It's ALSO the place where people RUSH to put their money into GOLD. They don't trust banks, and they aren't allowed to buy stocks. So they buy land and gold.

And for that reason, they may think they're better-enough off, to start bank runs...IN THE WEST.

To me this seems a ploy to gin up panic in Europe and America. It's no secret that our house of cards is starting to shake...they want it DOWN.
unrealized gains on banks balance sheets $700B

World's Most Powerful Economic Indicator Just Gave Extreme Warning Sign​

If interested I posted a vid about Schwab here:

Like to read:

A repost by "Freedom" on YT... once you get past all the (irritating LOL) inserts it's informative. 'Banking' comes in after the Biden bit.
Tucker was still at FOX - a great 'study' on WOKEness

Tucker Carlson : Jaw Dropping Revelation​

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Don't tell the Stonk market. Something odd is going on but KRE (the worst of the banks IMO) is soaring. Even with this market downturn (mostly tech). This will be a fantastic short, only to be outdone by CVNA or the homebuilders at some point.


JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Bank of America Refuse To Reimburse $880,000,000 To Customers, Accused of ‘Repeated, Relentless Failure’ To Protect Victims of Fraud​

A US Senate investigation is shedding light on just how often America’s big banks refuse to reimburse victims of fraud.

The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations says JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Bank of America collectively refused to reimburse $880 million in Zelle transactions that customers reported as fraud between 2021 and 2023.

Specifically, the banks refused to reimburse $320 million to customers who were hit by unauthorized transactions – and rejected an additional $560 million in reimbursement to customers who were tricked into authorizing an illicit transaction.

The new numbers are the centerpiece of the subcommittee’s report on Zelle’s practices, entitled “A Fast and Easy Way To Lose Money: Insufficient Consumer Protection on the Zelle Network.”

The report says the percentage of consumers reimbursed for disputed Zelle transactions at the three major banks has plummeted from 62% in 2019 to 38% in 2023.

It also raises concerns about potential age bias and vulnerabilities, finding customers under 35 years-old were reimbursed at lower rates than older consumers across Zelle.

Good read here. Only problem is where to put it. It will fit in here but could also fit in the Fiat Crimes thread. Well, I'm already here so wtf.

How the world’s oldest bank brought a city to its knees​

Monte dei Paschi has been Siena’s benefactor since 1472. But, in recent years, a multibillion-euro scandal in pursuit of aggressive growth has dealt it a crushing blow

The footage is grainy, but the shape of the plunging body is unmistakable. A middle-aged man dressed in a white shirt, dark grey trousers and black leather shoes falls directly down in a seated position, facing the wall of a medieval alleyway. As his legs hit the wet cobblestones below, his body bounces back a metre, then falls back with arms outstretched behind his head.

The time reads 7.59pm on March 6 2013. Over the next 22 minutes, the CCTV camera captures the head and arms writhing, eventually falling still. It takes nearly an hour for paramedics to arrive on the scene. During that time, two figures enter the cul-de-sac. One, wearing a blue puffer jacket and a light flat cap, approaches the body, apparently checking for signs of life. After a few moments, the pair slink away back into the shadows.

David Rossi was 51 when he died. He was the communications director at the oldest bank in the world, Monte dei Paschi di Siena, and the bank was under threat. A multibillion-euro scandal threatened to bring more than five and a half centuries of rich history to an end.


DNE opinion piece, dyodd.

Where We Keep Our Money | Top 8 Safest US Banks To Keep Your Money 2024​

Aug 23, 2024 #jenniferlammer #bondbeginners #bondmasters

The top 8 safest banks for your money in the US (updated for 2024), what’s changed since last year's banking crisis, what's our view on Merrill Edge & E-Trade, plus what do the latest bank & credit union failure numbers tell us? Watch on & find out in our brand new 8 safest banks to keep your money for 2024!



Bank stocks soared today cause FED might lower rates a bit (though really bad for bankers) while insiders are leaking just how bad the situation is. Lol, something is gonna break big time.



Fed's Barr unveils sweeping bank capital plan changes after pushback, delays​

  • Regulators to reissue draft for more industry feedback
  • Wall Street banks say more capital unnecessary
  • Banking industry has threatened litigation
  • Basel rule may not be finalized before Nov. 5 election
WASHINGTON, Sept 10 (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve's regulatory chief on Tuesday outlined a plan to raise big banks' capital by 9%, significantly easing an earlier proposal after intense Wall Street opposition but disappointing bank investors and some critics of the rule.

In a speech to the Brookings Institution, Fed Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr said regulators will re-issue watered-down drafts of the "Basel Endgame" rule and a separate capital rule for global banks, bowing to Wall Street lenders which have aggressively lobbied to weaken them.


Banks don't want to be banks. They want to be more profitable casinos.

Bank of England eyes growth with lighter bank capital reforms for UK lenders​

  • BoE revises approach to mortgage, small business lending
  • New rules pushed back to Jan. 1, 2026, to aid implementation
  • Reeves says reforms will help banks support growth, investment
LONDON, Sept 12 (Reuters) - The Bank of England aims to roll out revised new rules on how much capital UK banks must set aside to cope with future crises, as it juggles efforts to shock-proof lenders while supporting growth and without hurting their global commercial interests.

In a speech published on Thursday, the regulatory arm of the central bank said it would make "substantial amendments" to some earlier proposed Basel bank capital reforms following consultation and evidence, which had highlighted "too much conservatism" and excessive costs or challenges to implementation.



Well Fargo's new regulatory trouble may delay asset cap removal timeline, analysts say​

Sept 13 (Reuters) - Wells Fargo's (WFC.N), opens new tab latest regulatory setback could delay the timeline for lifting the asset cap imposed by the U.S. Federal Reserve and stifle its growth, Wall Street analysts said on Friday.

Its ability to expand into risky businesses was restricted on Thursday by a U.S. banking regulator that found the California-based lender had weak safeguards against money laundering and other illegal transactions.

Though the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) did not fine the bank as it was working to fix the problems, analysts said the action could hurt its effort to tackle regulatory issues stemming from the 2016 fake accounts scandal.

"Although an enforcement action against a bank for AML (anti-money laundering) policies and procedures is unfortunately not that uncommon, it is unique for WFC as it adds uncertainties to the timeline of the asset cap and their expense outlook," KBW analysts, led by David Konrad, said in a note.


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