Fake Money as Cluster Bomb
Western civilisation has suffered a moral inversion achieved by an inverted form of money, flipped from rewarding work and creativity to remunerating filth, ruin and genocide in disguise.

I don't know this author, but his essay was picked up by a UK financial website, and in turn picked up by The Burning Platform. And he nails it - he articulates what I'd tried to say for months now.
That the collapse of the Fiat-Dollar, of ALL printed-up monies, is going to have to happen to stop the insanity we're going through. The Jab-Happy hospitalists. The demonization of ivermectin. The wholesale suppression of news that contradicts the Official Narrative. Money for The 1619 Project; for Critical Race Theory; for mutilation of children's bodies. Money to PUNISH PARENTS who try to PROTECT their children.
Money to feed and house illegal invaders in ways we could never afford. Who here could spend a year at the Hilton, eat at their dining room...? Just the cost, isn't conceivable. Well over $150k a year, and that's money that we'd never see again.
Well, with Fake Money, they just order it up...and they get what they wanted, the Middle Class destroyed. We become a nation of goat-herders. What happens to their Fake Money then? Not their problem - most of them are 70-plus and know they won't see the end.
A sample, to my point:
The evils that have been unleashed in the past three years — albeit with their roots in a prior, preparatory putrescence of indeterminate duration — can chiefly be seen as arising from the availability of a form of money which exists solely for the execution of evil. False money is at the root of every one of the unholy things we have witnessed for the past three years, and which continue in the face of pleading by decent, honourable people, while the majority stands silently, idly by, waiting for a slice of the action. Fake money results in terrible and otherwise incomprehensible outcomes that contradict every principle ever uttered in the time when money was a scarce token of exchange in respect of necessities and of reward for doing good things. Once money ceased to be seen as a tool, and became itself the coveted substance, immorality was inevitable. Fake money begets societies comprising of nothing but lies. It is the bastard offspring of materialism at its extremes.
Fake money eats into everything and is ultimately what produces the sense of strangeness we have experienced in the past 40 months. We gave too much credence, in 2020, to the idea that the strange behaviour of politicians and doctors and pseudo-scientists and journaliars had to do with fear, or (even more naively of us) with a genuine desire to save people from death or illness or suffering. They were all the time following the instructions of the false money, which held for them a mesmerising power far superior to hypnosis. And, while it has been important to examine some of the more arcane contributors to our calamitous situation — propaganda, mass formation, groupthink, the slow death of the constitutional republic, et cetera — there is a much more immediate and obvious factor that we tend to misread: the power of a perverted money system to corrupt every and any institution, individual or group. Perhaps, then, it was nothing like as complicated as we have been imagining. Perhaps there was no need for us to ponder whether they were being threatened or blackmailed: maybe inducement provided the single-word explanation for everything that was happening. They were as whores, inured and indifferent to morals or scruples.
There are many such, much more insight, into the essay. It's long and forces a little concentration. Have a cup of coffee and allow 15 minutes to focus.
It's worth it.
We won't get back to normal human values UNTIL WE COLLAPSE, or more accurately, until Washington does. Or until our states "National Divorce" from Imperial Washington.