Open Access E-Books & Audiobooks

Welcome to the Precious Metals Bug Forums

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Free ebook and audiobook collections available on the open web. These are largely books that are in the public domain (i.e., copyright has expired). Websites are not affiliated with the DoD and no endorsement is implied.
  • HathiTrust
    A partnership of academic and research institutions, HathiTrust offers a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.
  • Internet Archive
    The Internet Archive contains a wide range of fiction, popular books, children's books, historical texts and academic books. Download free books and texts.
  • JSTOR Open-Access eBooks
    Open Access monographs available on the JSTOR platform. While an initial set of titles is available from four publishers (UC Press, U Michigan Press, UCL Press, and Cornell), expect to see several hundred more Open Access titles over the next years, while maintaining JSTOR’s high standards for quality content.
  • LibriVox
    Free public domain audiobooks, read by volunteers from around the world.
  • National Academies Press
    Operating under a charter granted by the Congress of the United States, the NAP publishes more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and medicine
  • Open Culture
    Download hundreds of free audiobooks, mostly classics, to your MP3 player or computer.
  • Open Library
    An open access project to bring over 1,000,000 free eBooks to the public.
  • Project Gutenberg
    A volunteer and community effort to digitize and provide access to over 50,000 eBooks. Download to your PC, Kindle, iPad, iPhone, Android or other mobile device. Please use from a non-DoD computer.
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