People Without Facebook Accounts Are 'Suspicious.'

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Bullshit. Facebook can lick my taint.
I found Facebook to be a giant waste of time. I don't care who is dating who, what my friend's girlfriend had for brunch, or how high you scored on a Facebook game.

I don't care if not having an account makes me suspicious. That is like saying those that don't go to a fast food restaraunt regularly are suspicious.
Im on it- I cant get some close people on me on it- I could maybe force them on it. But I wont.

Anyone can make a page.... so how do you know someone is not spoofing YOU.
Not having a facebook account means you didn't voluntarily sign off on an unlimited search warrant on yourself - with no specific list of things to search for. So you must have something to hide if you want the government to have to go through legal channels to snoop on your stuff. Right?

While they are the most obvious - .gov must be scared because of their stock price (oops, PPT to the rescue, wrecking my short) - I'm sure most here know that .gov has discovered it's legal for them to buy records that it would be illegal for them to collect themselves. So, credit agencies, google, amazon,'s a long list, FB just being the easiest one for everybody - but us.
fb was the only way to connect with extended family- old friends and co-workers.

At least for me. I am on now 2 years. I know much more about the bunch then I did before.. and vice versa.

I also have met more local people this way. Even some neighbors are on my friends list.

As a result- alot of news hits there before even the blogs- because eye witness actual participants post.

Sales, traffic delays, crime alerts- that pertain to ME- go on- with out for the most part wasting my time with stuff I dont need to know.

When I see in person people I knew years ago- it will flow so much easier because the what have you been up to- what is your life- is already briefed- so then you can cut to the chase- and the face to face is more inspiring.

Much of my family is out of state-

So far- fb- and the Internet in general- have been a plus for me. In fact- my internet skills are what got me the house I am living in. Otherwise- I would still be a renter.
I am the typical guy that talks 10 words to my wife's 1000 words; just one of the many forms of comm that I suck at. I don't have facebook and my humorous response when it comes to facebook is that facebook would be just one more method of communication for me to fail at! :flail:
Fuck facecrook.

This site exists to sell advertising and your personal info. There simply is NO other reason for them to exist. How the hell do you think they make any money>

FFFFFuck Mark Zuckerberg!
Its about the only way I see family pics of the nieces and nephews.
Even late-adopter Bearing has a FaceBook account. A friend of mine from LONG AGO (from small-town South Carolina) found me via FB.

But, I mostly use to it plug my blog...


Its about the only way I see family pics of the nieces and nephews.

I am in that EXACT situation, it's the only reason I've considered going back to it. But I told the family members who are hopeless social media addicts to stay on top of emailing...they do, occasionally.

Fuck Facebook....

I'm to the point where I send out an email to myself and BCC a bunch of family/friends to give an announcement that I want to be read quickly and understood without a bunch of 'likes' or gossip posted underneath some short character-limited drivel on FB.
I was on FB once - for about a week or less. Total waste of time.

If people used the time they spent watching TV and sharing drivel on FB in doing something useful, they could learn a second language, get an on-line degree, or go paint some senior's house. Just about anything. I know people who are FB-aholics who can't carry on a face-to-face conversation if their next meal depended on it.

We have become a truly sound-bite society that can't handle a speech that is over 45 seconds, only look at pictures if they are moving, and don't know how to interact in a personal manner with friends or strangers.

Sad. Very sad.
Even late-adopter Bearing has a FaceBook account. A friend of mine from LONG AGO (from small-town South Carolina) found me via FB.

But, I mostly use to it plug my blog...



I am friends with 2 former bosses. It is one of the highest forms of respect- to have worked with someone for years- and still- choose to banter with them.
I see most of you guys have guns and do not have facebook pages just like Holmes and Breivik. You are all potential mass murderers!
never have.

never will.

complete time suck.
I have been unable to force myself to allow FB to facilitate someone stealing my identity.

I guess I must have something to hide if I value my sterling identity more than I value the potty mouths of mindless idiots.
My solution to facebook is to have an account and add your friends and family but I keep my page empty of any information besides my name. You are in touch with your social contacts but hopefully, give up very little information.
Don't need FB

I have real, flesh-and-blood freinds. I love that car commercial where the girl is sitting at a computer, talking about how her parents only have 16 freinds. While this loser is looking at puppy pictures on FB, her parents are out mountain-biking.
I have real, flesh-and-blood freinds. I love that car commercial where the girl is sitting at a computer, talking about how her parents only have 16 freinds. While this loser is looking at puppy pictures on FB, her parents are out mountain-biking.
I haven't seen the commercial (We haven't had a TV for about 12 years), but that is exactly the problem.
FB is a poor substitute for real life and real relationships.
(We haven't had a TV for about 12 years), but that is exactly the problem.
....ahh, you poor things, how can you live like that :rotflmbo: Just joking, have been w/o TV myself for about 5 years and was quite happy for that, but you must have heard it a lot from The Joneses, no?
....ahh, you poor things, how can you live like that :rotflmbo: Just joking, have been w/o TV myself for about 5 years and was quite happy for that, but you must have heard it a lot from The Joneses, no?
Frankly, I believe the Joneses think we're weird as well, so they don't talk to us much. ;-)
My solution to facebook is to have an account and add your friends and family but I keep my page empty of any information besides my name. You are in touch with your social contacts but hopefully, give up very little information.

this is pretty much what i do
only one friend though, cant think why :rotflmbo:

allows me to search for anyone and view their public stuff
and it astonishes me how much some people post
especially young kids / teenagers

they really have no idea how vulnerable they become or how their dumb posting will effect future employment prospects see, all of you, where this lack of a TV brought you, in the end?! To some weirdo, barbaric-relic (gold) cult site, talking to some other weirdos from around the world, who apparently, didn't worship the TV either! :rotflmbo:
Our family did not have a TV when I was growing up. And I have never owned a TV in my life.

Good for you1

BTW - by putting up just the last clause of my sentence it appears that not having a TV is a problem. Not so. It was a blessing.
The problem was what was Cybrsk8r pointed out in a commercial that I have not ever seen.
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While fear might be the mind-killer, TV has to be a close second - empty the mind, and in turn fill it with trash for people who are afraid to be alone with that cesspit they call their soul. I say, fix that first. And then you can have a lot more real living with all those hours you don't waste on it - get things done you can be proud of having done.
careful with that pride button though .....

its one of the seven, but you wouldnt think so :rimshot:

I guess its part of the indoctrination we all got as we were 'taught' what to think.
BTW - by putting up just the last clause of my sentence it appears that not having a TV is a problem. Not so. It was a blessing.
..I know, my man, I was only joking! You need to get used to the twisted European sense of humor here! ;)
Thought I had posted this Facebook thoughtcrime story a while back but can't find it so here it is for posterity:
August 23 said:
In an unexpected ruling handed down today by Circuit Court Judge Allan Sharrett, the judge dismissed the government’s case against Brandon Raub, the Marine who was arrested by local police and FBI agents, detained in a psychiatric ward and forced to undergo psychological evaluations based solely on the controversial nature of lines from song lyrics, political messages and virtual card games which he posted to his private Facebook page. Judge Sharrett dismissed the petition for involuntary commitment on the grounds that the petition “is so devoid of any factual allegations that it could not be reasonably expected to give rise to a case or controversy.” Raub is expected to be released immediately.

“This is a great victory for the First Amendment and the rule of law,” said John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute. “Brandon Raub was arrested with no warning, targeted for doing nothing more than speaking out against the government, detained against his will, and isolated from his family, friends and attorneys. These are the kinds of things that take place in totalitarian societies. Today, at least, Judge Allan Sharrett proved that justice can still prevail in America.”

Here is Facebook thoughtcrime Indian style:
As India's financial capital shut down for the weekend funeral of a powerful politician linked to waves of mob violence, a woman posted on Facebook that the closures in Mumbai were "due to fear, not due to respect." A friend of hers hit the "like" button.

For that, both women were arrested.

Analysts and the media are slamming the Maharashtra state government for what they said was a flagrant misuse of the law and an attempt to curb freedom of expression. The arrests were seen as a move by police to prevent any outbreak of violence by supporters of Bal Thackeray, a powerful Hindu fundamentalist politician who died Saturday.

"We are living in a democracy, not a fascist dictatorship," Markandey Katju, a former Supreme Court justice who now heads the Press Council of India, wrote in a protest letter to the chief minister of Maharashtra.

Katju demanded that the state government suspend the police officers who had ordered the arrests and prosecute them.

The women withdrew the comment and apologized, but angry Thackeray supporters ransacked an orthopedic clinic run by the uncle of one woman.

A lawyer representing the women, Sudheer Gupta, said police arrested them Sunday, the day of the funeral, on charges of creating enmity and hatred. They were released on bail Monday.

Shaheen Dhada, the 21-year-old who posted the comment appeared on television Tuesday, her face covered by a scarf so that only her eyes were visible.

Clearly terrified by her arrest and the attack on her uncle's clinic, Dhada told NDTV television she would never again make comments on a social networking site. Both women said they have deactivated their Facebook accounts.
I've heard that you can never really delete a farcebook account. That when you deactivate it sort of goes dormant but is not erased from the system.

Carrier pidgeon sounds good...
this is pretty much what i do
only one friend though, cant think why :rotflmbo:

allows me to search for anyone and view their public stuff
and it astonishes me how much some people post
especially young kids / teenagers

they really have no idea how vulnerable they become or how their dumb posting will effect future employment prospects

yeah, theres gonna be fierce competition in the gleaning and prostitution markets....
Fuck facecrook.

This site exists to sell advertising and your personal info. There simply is NO other reason for them to exist. How the hell do you think they make any money>

FFFFFuck Mark Zuckerberg!

I agree, ancona.

Facea$$ is also for people that have no life of their own.
While I don't have a FB account for all the reasons we know, I DO have a google+ account. I completely ignore the "social network" crap, +1's etc - never even read it.

I use it for a worldwide free video telephone quite a lot, however. It's the next best thing to being face to face with someone - and many of my friends, real ones, who I have met here and there on the 'net (say, on my forums), I'll never travel to their country or vice versa, so....

Of course, a public hangout often fills with idiots. This isn't that different than real life, except for the assumption on their part you want to hear their babble. You can always just hang up...or, if you started one with a friend, any majority can force-hang-up any annoying joiner, till the thing is all full of good, intelligent, polite people.

That part is worth it to collect good connections with good people - for which, the only reason you aren't meatspace real friends is geography. Since most of what I do is in the mind, being together in meatspace doesn't matter so much.

Of course, even there where it'd be a lot more work (computer cycles and disk space) to "read" by the people we know are doing as much of that as they can, we don't discuss opsec stuff live anyway, so who cares?
Yesterday, we got a rare look at how information on your public social media profiles—including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn—is being harvested and resold by large consumer data companies.

Responding to a congressional query, nine data companies provided answers to a detailed set of questions about what kinds of information they collect about individual Americans, and where they get that data.

Their responses, released Thursday [1], show that some companies record — and then resell — your screen names, web site addresses, interests, hometown and professional history, and how many friends or followers you have.
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