Physical gold and silver inventory watch

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It's been three days since the last update ...

The following report details changes from 3/2 @ ~9am to 3/5 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 40 to 48. Perth Mint (-1) and Pamp Suisse (+9) were the changes.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 1204 to 1232. Credit Suisse (-174) was the biggest seller. They restocked Pamp Suisse (+161) and Perth Mint (+56) [or maybe just switched ~160 bars from Credit Suisse to Pamp Suisse listing].
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 807 to 766. Looks like they sold a little bit of most everything.
So far, they are able to keep up........Let's wait until the raid is finished and physical buyers are back in the picture.
It's been four days since the last update ...

The following report details changes from 3/5 @ ~10am to 3/9 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 48 to 43.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 1232 to 1309. They list 136 bars of Apmex brand that won't ship until April 6. I suppose actual inventory is closer to 1173.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 766 to 804.
It's been six days since the last update. I let this slip a bit just as things were getting interesting with the paper market spot price. I will try to keep a closer eye on this over the next few days.

The following report details changes from 3/9 @ ~9am to 3/15 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 43 to 60. Perth Mint (-13), Pamp Suisse (+26)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 1309 to 2261. They list 116 bars of Apmex brand that won't ship until April 6. They show a massive 1,428 bars of Pamp Suisse available. They also added a new category "Heraeus" with 110 bars available.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 804 to 738. Increase in "Englehard or Johnson Matthey" (+26) was more than offset by sales of Royal Canadian Mint bars (-51) and Apmex (-26) among others.

Seems like Apmex took advantage of the recent smash in the futures spot price to restock on gold bars. Interesting to see that they didn't follow suit with silver bars.
i'm not really sure how to read into this. I don't really want inventories to be building honestly.
I'm not too sure what to read into this either. It is interesting, but is it indicative in any way that would assist decision-making (by revealing trends). The sampling of companies may be too small to be a true reflection of the larger picture - at least on a short time scale.
The following report details changes from 3/15 @ ~9am to 3/16 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 60 to 57. Perth Mint (+7), Pamp Suisse (-10)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2261 to 2303. They list 112 bars of Apmex brand that won't ship until April 6. Pamp Suisse (-155), Credit Suisse (+219). Most every else showed a bit of selling.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 738 to 760. Johnson Matthey (-12), Royal Canadian Mint (+45) and Apmex (-9) were the big changes.

Even though inventories rose slightly over all, it appears that the volume of selling definitely picked up with the spot price lower than it was last week.
The following report details changes from 3/16 @ ~9am to 3/17 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 57 to 53. Perth Mint (-4)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2303 to 2217. Pamp Suisse (-50) was the big seller. Most every else showed a bit of selling.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 760 to 760. "Englehard or Johnson Matthey" (+4) offset by individual sales of 4 other bars.

Tulving says they have over 350 of the 100ozt silver "Englehard or Johnson Matthey" bars in stock. They also say that Johnson Matthey just restarted production of 1ozt bars which I found interesting.
The following report details changes from 3/17 @ ~9am to 3/18 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 53 to 52.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2217 to 2174.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 760 to 757.
The following report details changes from 3/18 @ ~9am to 3/19 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 52 to 57. Perth (+11), Pamp Suisse (-6)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2174 to 2124.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 757 to 746.
It's been two days since the last report.

The following report details changes from 3/19 @ ~11am to 3/21 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 57 to 57. They sold two and added two.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2124 to 1853. Pamp Suisse (-129) and Credit Suisse (-85) led the pack.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 746 to 752. A lot of changes netted out to not much difference. Hard to tell if the changes were sales/purchases or just moving inventory from one category to another (ie. Johnson Matthey to "Englehard or Johnson Matthey", other brands to "various"). They lowered the premium on the Ohio Precious Metals bars to a more competitive level versus the other brands they are carrying.
The following report details changes from 3/21 @ ~11am to 3/22 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 57 to 77. They sold 5 and added 25 (Johnson Matthey poured bars).
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 1853 to 2102. Pamp Suisse (+37) and Credit Suisse (+230) offset moderate selling in other brands.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 752 to 749.
Apmex said:
Server is too busy

Can anyone access the apmex website? I'm not able to get through currently.
OK, I was finally able to get through.

The following report details changes from 3/22 @ ~9am to 3/23 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 77 to 80.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2102 to 2037. Moderate selling all around, no restocking seen.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 749 to 897. They added Apmex (+152) while selling a bit of most everything else.

Seems to me that Apmex has successfully increased their inventories over this last week as the spot price of the metals went down.
The following report details changes from 3/23 @ ~9am to 3/24 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 80 to 80.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2037 to 2144. Perth (+95), Apmex (+24) and ScotiaBank (+25) restocking was offset by moderate selling.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 897 to 925. They added "Englehard or Johnson Matthey" (+31) while selling a few bars here and there.

Sales volume seems to have slowed down and the restocking continues.
The following report details changes from 3/24 @ ~9am to 3/25 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 80 to 80.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2144 to 2120.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 925 to 907.

I updated the attachment in the first post of this thread with the latest Excel document for those of you who like to see the raw data.
The following report details changes from 3/25 @ ~9am to 3/26 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 80 to 80.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2120 to 2042.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 907 to 895.
The following report details changes from 3/26 @ ~10am to 3/27 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 80 to 85.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2042 to 2467. Broad restocking seen in multiple brands - Pamp Suisse (+185), Credit Suisse (+58), Perth Mint (+78), ScotiaBank (+10), "generic with assay" (+21), "generic w/o assay" (+82).
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 895 to 861. Royal Canadian Mint (-21), "Englehard or Johnson Matthey" (-8) led the pack.

Sell volume on the silver was much higher than I recall seeing in a while as gold stocks were increased. Interesting.
The following report details changes from 3/27 @ ~10am to 3/28 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 85 to 80.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2467 to 2430.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 861 to 853.
The following report details changes from 3/28 @ ~9am to 3/29 @ ~noon:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 80 to 75.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2430 to 2377. They added Hereaus (+70) while selling most everything else. Credit Suisse (-33) was the big seller.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 853 to 910. The added Royal Canadian Mint (+49) as well as few odd bars here and there. Looks like they sold 2 bars.
The following report details changes from 3/29 @ ~noon to 3/30 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 75 to 72.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2377 to 2328. Pamp Suisse (-31) was the big seller.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 910 to 863. Royal Canadian Mint (-39)! Was yesterday's addition real? Looks like a decent bit of selling and some misc additions for this period.
It's been three days since the last update.

The following report details changes from 3/30 @ ~9am to 4/2 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 72 to 117.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2328 to 2485. Credit Suisse (+153) and Perth Mint (+82) more than offset sales volume.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 863 to 912. "Englehard or Johnson Matthey" (+44), zero apparent sales and a smattering of additions here and there.

The inventory for the gold bars (both 10ozt and 1ozt) are the highest I've seen since I started tracking this. Is this an indication that apmex is "all in" betting on a bottom in gold? If so, is this an indication that physical supply of silver is tight or that Apmex is waiting for a better buying opportunity to restock? I understand that they are supposed to be hedging their inventory purchases, but I do find the numbers curious.
The following report details changes from 4/2 @ ~9am to 4/3 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 117 to 107.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2485 to 2425. No inventory increases this time.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 912 to 881. No inventory increases and fairly strong sales volume (comparatively).
The following report details changes from 4/3 @ ~9am to 4/4 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 107 to 111. Added 6 and sold 2.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2425 to 2520. Added Credit Suisse (+48), Pamp Suisse (+58) and Perth Mint (+60). Sold "generic w/o assay" (-56) and a smattering of most everything else.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 881 to 856. The added 6 misc. bars and sold a good bit of "Englehard or Johnson Matthey" (-22) among others.

They added a new product to the 1ozt gold list that had a huge premium ($252 or ~16%) with a description claiming only 5,000 made. It looks to me like a numismatic premium / offering, so I did not incorporate it into the spreadsheet / tracking / analysis.
The following report details changes from 4/4 @ ~9am to 4/5 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 111 to 99.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2520 to 2419. Added Credit Suisse (+17), Argor-Heraeus (+46) and Perth Mint (+22). Sold Pamp Suisse (-114), Apmex (-28), "generic w/o assay" (-24) and a few each of the other brands.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 856 to 754. Massive selling volume and no inventory increases.

This was the largest selling volume I've seen on the 10ozt gold bars since I started tracking. The selling for 100ozt silver was the largest ~24 hour selling volume since January 25.

People are definitely BTFD.
The following report details changes from 4/5 @ ~10am to 4/6 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 99 to 90. Strong sales continue.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2419 to 2335. No inventory increases.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 754 to 804. Added Royal Canadian Mint (+50), "various" (+5), Englehard struck (+4) and a few misc. bars.
The following report details changes from 4/6 @ ~9am to 4/8 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 90 to 87.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2335 to 2402. Apmex (+119) available April 27
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 804 to 797.
The following report details changes from 4/8 @ ~10am to 4/9 @ ~noon:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 87 to 95. Pamp Suisse (+9).
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2402 to 2532. Pamp Suisse (+69), Credit Suisse (+92).
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 797 to 788.
The following report details changes from 4/9 @ ~noon to 4/11 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 95 to 94.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2532 to 2674. Heraeus (+130), new listing Argor-Heraeus KineBar (+97), Argor-Heraeus [orignal listing] (+64), Pamp Suisse (-79), Credit Suisse (-46), Perth (-22)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 788 to 848. "Englehard or Johnson Matthey" (+58)
The following report details changes from 4/11 @ ~9am to 4/12 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 94 to 94.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2674 to 2648. ScotiaBank (+45), most everything else sold off a bit
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 848 to 846. Apmex (+15)

They lowered the premiums on several of the 100ozt silver bars. They are running a special on the Ohio Precious Metals bars - $0.79 over spot.
The following report details changes from 4/12 @ ~10am to 4/13 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 94 to 92.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2648 to 2492. ScotiaBank (-45)... was yesterday a glitch?
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 846 to 852.
It's been three days since the last update.

The following report details changes from 4/13 @ ~11am to 4/16 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 92 to 90.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2492 to 2394.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 852 to 840. "Englehard or Johnson Matthey" (+17), Ohio Precious Metals (-13), Johnson Matthey (-10).

Apmex lowered the premiums on many brands of 100ozt silver.
The following report details changes from 4/16 @ ~9am to 4/17 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 90 to 88. Perth (+5), Pamp Suisse (-6).
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2394 to 2200. Perth (+24), Pamp Suisse (-183)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 840 to 756. "Englehard or Johnson Matthey" (-20), Ohio Precious Metals (-52), RCM (-12).

Looks like a big volume of selling and some minor restocking of Perth Mint gold.
The following report details changes from 4/17 @ ~11am to 4/18 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 88 to 90.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2200 to 2013. Pamp Suisse (-60), Credit Suisse (-112)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 756 to 785. Apmex (+7), "Various" (+22)
The following report details changes from 4/18 @ ~9am to 4/19 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 90 to 86.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2013 to 2156. Pamp Suisse (+105), Sunshine (+100)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 785 to 756.
The following report details changes from 4/19 @ ~10am to 4/20 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 86 to 82.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2156 to 2107.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 756 to 754.
It's been 3 days since the last update.

The following report details changes from 4/20 @ ~11am to 4/23 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 82 to 82.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2107 to 2000.
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 754 to 705.

Looks like they sold out of Ohio Precious Metals items. Fairly strong sales of 100ozt silver too.
The following report details changes from 4/23 @ ~10am to 4/24 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 82 to 79.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2000 to 1835. Argor-Heraeus (-74), Credit Suisse (-41), Pamp Suisse (-28), Apmex (-16)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 705 to 614. Apmex (-32), Various (-23 / sold out), "Englehard or Johnson Matthey" (-19), RCM (-10)

Very strong sales of both gold and silver over the last ~24 hours.
The following report details changes from 4/24 @ ~9am to 4/25 @ ~noon:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 79 to 79. Sold two, added two, net zero.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 1835 to 1979. Heraeus (+272), Credit Suisse (+45), Apmex (-101)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 614 to 635. RCM (+30), Johnson Matthey (-10)

Sales volume was much more subdued than the last report. The Apmex brand 1ozt gold bars are listed as unavailable. Not sure if the 101 bars shown yesterday sold out or if they just pulled the listing as they were selling forward inventory they didn't have on hand (available Apr. 27). The new inventory of Heraeus bars are on sale with a reduced premium currently ($29.99 over spot).
The following report details changes from 4/25 @ ~noon to 4/26 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 79 to 79.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 1979 to 1907. Heraeus (-150), Argor-Heraeus (+87)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 635 to 622.
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