Physical gold and silver inventory watch

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Perhaps they have merely stopped updating sales as a result of minimal staffing over the weekend?
I'm pretty sure the inventory reported by the site is updated automatically as items are sold. I highly doubt there is a person manually adjusting available inventory with every sale.
The following report details changes from 5/28 @ ~9am to 5/29 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 128 to 126.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2163 to 2133. Credit Suisse (-21), Pamp Suisse (-8)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 465 to 460. RCM (-5)

Sales volume continued to be muted on a Memorial Day holiday weekend. No inventory additions were noted.
The following report details changes from 5/29 @ ~10am to 5/30 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 126 to 122. Pamp (-4)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2133 to 2144. Credit Suisse (+172), Pamp Suisse (-61), Perth (-53), Scotiabank (-51), Apmex (+5)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 460 to 523. Johnson Matthey (+30), Apmex (-11), RCM (-3), Englehard Struck (+10), Englehard secondary market (+22), RCM old style (+10), misc brand additions (+6)

Sales volume returned yesterday. Strong sales in 10ozt and 1ozt gold (1ozt offset by inventory addition of Credit Suisse). Some 100ozt silver inventory additions including 30 bars of the main brand Johnson Matthey and a bunch of secondary market or misc bars.
Late update today...

The following report details changes from 5/30 @ ~9am to 5/31 @ ~noon:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 122 to 172. Pamp (+50)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2144 to 2177. Credit Suisse (+79), Pamp Suisse (-25), Perth (-21)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 523 to 723. Johnson Matthey (+182), RCM (+50), generic secondary market (+10)

Sales volume was muted again yesterday. Huge inventory additions in 10ozt gold and 100ozt silver. This was the most significant increase in 100ozt silver for major brands (Johnson Matthey & RCM) since May 5.
Looks like stackers are needing liquidity as well.

The following report details changes from 5/31 @ ~noon to 6/1 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 172 to 267. Pamp (+21), Perth (+75), Johnson Matthey (-1)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2177 to 3084. Credit Suisse (-15), Pamp Suisse (+462), Perth (+464), Apmex (-3)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 723 to 799. Johnson Matthey (-9), RCM (-6), Apmex (+74), generic secondary market (-11)

Sales volume in gold appeared to be muted again yesterday. Huge inventory additions in gold and to a lesser degree in silver. I get the feeling that Apmex believes we've seen the bottom in gold and they are loading up (buy low, sell high).
It's been 3 days since the last update.

The following report details changes from 6/1 @ ~10am to 6/4 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 267 to 284. Pamp (+20), Perth (-3)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3084 to 3469. Credit Suisse (+29), Pamp Suisse (+313), Perth (+63), Apmex (-11)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 799 to 755. Johnson Matthey (-16), RCM (-8), Apmex (-3), generic secondary market (-5),

Huge inventory additions in 1ozt gold. Some of the smaller inventory items in 100ozt silver sold out.
The following report details changes from 6/4 @ ~9am to 6/5 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 284 to 272. Pamp (-11), Perth (-1)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3469 to 3517. Credit Suisse (-28), Pamp Suisse (-18), Perth (-3), Scotiabank (+100)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 755 to 833. Johnson Matthey (-8), RCM (-9), Apmex (-3), generic secondary market (-9 >> sold out), RCM old style (-8 >> on sale today only for $0.99/ozt over spot), Englehard secondary market (+17), Johnson Matthey secondary market (+104)

Looks like pretty strong sales volume in 10ozt gold, but much weaker sales volume in 1ozt gold. Strong sales activity continued in 100ozt silver and the only inventory additions were to secondary market listings.
Tulving sold out of all 90 & 40% & JM/Eng 100 oz.Ag.

The following report details changes from 6/5 @ ~9am to 6/6 @ ~9am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 272 to 270. Perth (-2)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3517 to 3621. Apmex (+175) [available June 29], Credit Suisse (-52), Pamp Suisse (-8), Perth (-5), Sunshine (-5)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 833 to 800. Johnson Matthey (-5), Apmex (-8), RCM old style (-15 >> sold out), Englehard secondary market (-4), Johnson Matthey secondary market (-1)
Just meandered over to Tulvings site.They have replentished some of the 90% & they have 1oz Ag Buffalo rounds for .59 over.

Thanks for the update BigJim. I'm not at home at the moment, so my next update won't be until Sunday at the earliest.
It's been four days since the last update.

The following report details changes from 6/6 @ ~9am to 6/10 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 270 to 238. Pamp (29), Perth (-3)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3621 to 3460. Apmex (-19), Credit Suisse (-48), Pamp Suisse (-74), Perth (-16), Sunshine (-18), generic w/assay (+24), generic w/o assay (+8)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 800 to 803. Johnson Matthey (-30), Apmex (+9), RCM (+30), Johnson Matthey secondary market (-6)
The following report details changes from 6/10 @ ~11am to 6/11 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 238 to 231. Pamp (-7)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3460 to 3436. Credit Suisse (-12), Pamp Suisse (-7)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 803 to 784. Johnson Matthey (-6), RCM (-8), Johnson Matthey secondary market (-3)

Looks like sales volume on 10ozt gold has been strong over the last few days while sales volume on 1ozt gold has been tepid.
The following report details changes from 6/11 @ ~11am to 6/12 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 231 to 244. Perth (+5), generic w/o assay (+8)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3436 to 3327. Apmex (+19), Credit Suisse (-86), Pamp Suisse (-34), Perth (-5), generic w/assay (-12)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 784 to 763. Johnson Matthey (-9), RCM (-5), Apmex (-9), Johnson Matthey secondary market (-3), older Apmex bars (+8)
The following report details changes from 6/12 @ ~11am to 6/13 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 244 to 244.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3327 to 3228. Credit Suisse (-8), Pamp Suisse (-63), Argor-Heraeus (-25)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 763 to 804. Apmex (-2), RCM (+5), generic secondary market (+15), Johnson Matthey secondary market (+10), Englehard secondary market (+10)
The following report details changes from 6/13 @ ~11am to 6/14 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 244 to 243.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3228 to 3191. Credit Suisse (-4), Pamp Suisse (-9), Argor-Heraeus (-4), Sunshine (-5), generic w/assay (-6), generic w/o assay (-5)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 804 to 776. Apmex (-3), RCM (-5), Johnson Matthey (-5), Johnson Matthey secondary market (-6)

Looks like sales volume was down across the board. I'm guessing people are waiting to see what happens in Europe?
The following report details changes from 6/14 @ ~11am to 6/15 @ ~2pm:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 243 to 239. Perth (-4)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3191 to 3298. Credit Suisse (-19), Pamp Suisse (-56), Perth (-7), Pamp Year of the Dragon (+196), generic w/assay (-6), generic w/o assay (-4)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 776 to 719. Apmex (-5), Johnson Matthey (-31), Johnson Matthey secondary market (-30), Englehard secondary market (-5), generic secondary market (+15)

Looks like sales volume is picking up.
The following report details changes from 6/15 @ ~2pm to 6/16 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 239 to 239.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3298 to 3276. Credit Suisse (-8), Pamp Suisse (-10), Apmex (-4)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 719 to 774. Apmex (+8), RCM (-3), Johnson Matthey secondary market (+46), Englehard secondary market (+5)
The following report details changes from 6/16 @ ~11am to 6/18 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 239 to 233. Perth (+5), Pamp (-10), generic w/o assay (-1)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3276 to 3313. Pamp Suisse (+73), Credit Suisse (-8), Pamp YotD (-5), Scotiabank (-26)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 774 to 753. Apmex (-11), RCM (-4)

Sales volume appears muted. I suspect folks are waiting to see what happens in Europe and with the Fed on Wednesday.
The following report details changes from 6/18 @ ~11am to 6/19 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 233 to 229. Pamp (-4)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3313 to 3222. Pamp Suisse (-38), Credit Suisse (-19), Perth (-6), Sunshine (-13)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 753 to 722. Johnson Matthey (-10), RCM (-9), Johnson Matthey secondary market (-9)

Sales volume appears to have reverted back to average. Apmex appears to be running a sale (lowered premiums) on selected (secondary market and misc.) 100ozt silver bars.
The following report details changes from 6/19 @ ~11am to 6/20 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 229 to 236. Pamp (+6), Perth (+1)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3222 to 3272. Pamp Suisse (+63), Credit Suisse (-5), Perth (-5)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 722 to 682. Apmex (-8), Johnson Matthey (-3), RCM (-5), generic secondary market (-5), Johnson Matthey secondary market (-14)

Looks like people were selling 10ozt gold and buying 100ozt silver. Sales volume on 1ozt gold was tepid over all.
The following report details changes from 6/20 @ ~11am to 6/21 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 236 to 236.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3272 to 3192. Pamp Suisse (-27), Pamp YotD (-13), Credit Suisse (-9), Perth (-6), Apmex (-14), Sunshine (-4), Scotiabank (-3), RCM (-3)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 682 to 651. Apmex (+60), RCM (-5), Johnson Matthey secondary market (-5), Englehard secondary market (-81)

Did Apmex really sell 81 Englehard silver bars or did they mistakenly just remove the item from the website list? If they actually sold it, that's a huge sales volume.
The following report details changes from 6/21 @ ~10am to 6/22 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 236 to 209. Pamp (-21), generic w/o assay (-6)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3192 to 3017. Pamp Suisse (-113), Pamp YotD (-15), Credit Suisse (+67), Perth (-18), Apmex (-44), Scotiabank (-18)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 651 to 592. Apmex (-30), RCM (-21), Johnson Matthey (-14), Johnson Matthey secondary market (-61), Englehard secondary market (+72)

Massive sales volume everywhere over the last 24 hours. Looks like retail investors are BTFD.

Looks like my suspicion was correct as the inventory for Englehard (secondary market) silver bars returned.
The following report details changes from 6/22 @ ~10am to 6/23 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 209 to 203. Perth (-1), generic w/o assay (-5)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3017 to 2885. Pamp Suisse (-57), Pamp YotD (-6), Credit Suisse (-38), Perth (-12), Apmex (-12), Scotiabank (-5)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 592 to 620. Apmex (-6), RCM (-4), Johnson Matthey (+59), Englehard secondary market (-18)

Looks like pretty good sales volume for a Friday. They increased inventory for Johnson Matthey 100ozt silver bars and they upped the premium for same.
I'm only watching the premiums on the 100ozt bars, and the premiums on the "secondary market" bars are still low. They haven't gone up yet. Perhaps the market for them isn't as robust for retail buyers as 1ozt products. I haven't been watching the premiums on them, so they may be rising and I'm just not paying attention to them.
It's been 4 days since the last update.

The following report details changes from 6/23 @ ~10am to 6/27 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 203 to 197. Pamp (-4), generic w/o assay (-3), Englehard Loaf (+1)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2885 to 2622. Pamp Suisse (-97), Pamp YotD (-21), Credit Suisse (-47), Perth (-27), Apmex (-15), Scotiabank (-23), Sunshine (-26)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 620 to 667. Apmex (-40), RCM (+56), Johnson Matthey (+60), Englehard secondary market (-22), generic secondary market (-6)

Tulving appears to be sold out of past year 1ozt gold Krugerrands, Maple Leaves and Eagles (they only have current year inventory).
I always wondered how you could tell how much Apmex had in stock. All you have to do is punch in 9999 for quantity you want to order and Apmex adjusted that down to how many they have in stock!
The following report details changes from 6/27 @ ~10am to 6/28 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 197 to 197.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2622 to 2568. Pamp Suisse (-26), Pamp YotD (-6), Credit Suisse (-14), Perth (-4), Scotiabank (-5)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 667 to 738. Apmex (-14), RCM (-11), Johnson Matthey (+118), Englehard secondary market (-8), Englehard struck (-5), Johnson Matthey secondary market (-5), generic secondary market (-3)
I suspect that we will see a repeat of '08 - '09 when there were interminable waits for metals at ultra low prices. On one particulat buy from NWT Mint, a hundred ounces of generic one ounce bars, I waited fifteen weeks for delivery because there simply was no silver to be had at those prices.

The Brotherhood of Darkness knows this yet continues to pound prices down, purportedly to dig their way out of their massive lopsided short position. No matter what happens, silver has been suppressed for so long it is but a matter of time before it snaps up the opposite way. When it does, it will happen all of a sudden and will overwhelm the shorts, who I suspect will get a panties down spanking the likes of which has not been seen since Nelson and Bunker Hunt got theirs.
ancona - I'm not able to easily determine delayed shipping, but it's another metric I try to look out for in my travels around various PM forums. Rising premiums and shrinking inventories are easier to track here.

The following report details changes from 6/28 @ ~10am to 6/29 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 197 to 197. generic no assay (-2), Pamp (+1), Johnson Matthey pressed (+1)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2568 to 3008. Pamp Suisse (+65), Pamp YotD (-15), Credit Suisse (+369), Perth (+29), Scotiabank (-3), Apmex (-2), Apmex no assay (+17), Heraeus (-17), Argor-Heraeus (-2)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 738 to 688. Apmex (-2), RCM (-17), Johnson Matthey (-3), Englehard secondary market (-16), Johnson Matthey secondary market (-4), generic secondary market (-8)

Interesting numbers for the gold products. Looks like some people got spooked and sold physical back to Apmex while others (just a few) BTFD. Public sales volume was very low for gold products, but fairly strong for 100ozt silver. Not too surprising with the GSR up over 59 I suppose.
The following report details changes from 6/29 @ ~11am to 6/30 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 197 to 197.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 3008 to 2999. Pamp Suisse (-9), Credit Suisse (-3), Scotiabank (+5)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 688 to 684. Apmex (-14), RCM (-1), Johnson Matthey (-1), Sunshine (-4), Englehard secondary market (+4), Johnson Matthey secondary market (+7), generic secondary market (+5)

Low sales volume as usual for Fri-Sat.
Is there any way to track someone like Hans Tulving? With his volumes, I would be interested to see where he gets the [purportedly] thousands of monster boxes he claims to flip.
Unfortunately, he doesn't have a shopping cart on his website and the few items where he lists an indication of inventory isn't always up to date, so it's not reliable.
The following report details changes from 6/30 @ ~10am to 7/1 @ ~noon:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 197 to 197.
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2999 to 2994. Pamp Suisse (-1), Credit Suisse (-4)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 684 to 674. Apmex (-4), RCM (-3), Johnson Matthey (-1), Englehard secondary market (-1), Englehard First Generation (-2)

Sales volume fell off a cliff all around. No inventory increases either.
The following report details changes from 7/1 @ ~noon to 7/2 @ ~10am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 197 to 196. Pamp (-1)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2994 to 2975. Pamp Suisse (-3), Credit Suisse (-8), Apmex (-7)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 674 to 671. RCM (-3)
The following report details changes from 7/2 @ ~10am to 7/3 @ ~11am:
  • 10 ozt gold bars - from 196 to 195. Johnson Matthey (-1)
  • 1 ozt gold bars - from 2975 to 2889. Pamp Suisse (-9), Credit Suisse (-66), Perth (-4), Heraeus (-3)
  • 100 ozt silver bars - from 671 to 657. Apmex (-5), Johnson Matthey secondary market (-6)

Looks like sales volume picked up.
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