Important pmbug was offline most of the day

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It's been a bit of a mess today. My server company is HQ in Austin and they actually sent someone to drive up to Dallas (3 hr drive) to fix issues at the data center as phone/email wasn't getting the job done.

I don't have any alternate method for communicating these issue to everyone, so I appreciate your patience. If the site happens to go offline, there is definitely a problem with the server and I will get it fixed.

With your interest and support, is here for the long haul.

This post copied from discussion here:
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Yep. As mentioned in the linked discussion, a tornado ripped through Dallas, TX last night (or early morning) and hit the data center where the pmbug server is located. It took a lot of servers/websites offline. Sunday morning on a holiday weekend is perfect timing for responsive tech support!
Yep. As mentioned in the linked discussion, a tornado ripped through Dallas, TX
It didn't exactly rip through Dallas. Was out on a ride all over Dallas last evening/night, and all I saw was lightning in the distance. Heard there was one up in Valley View in Cooke County. Other tornado damage was in Collin and Denton Counties. All North of Dallas proper. though.
I was wondering. I checked outages and Texas was having some issues.

Figured it would get resolved eventually.
Threat level : Midnight!
See you just went and posted about the thing with Tornado's. And the Tornados didn't like it much and fought back.
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