Political Joke Thread-Cartoons-Memes

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s sexual exploitation of children acceptable?
Absolutely not!

what is it called when an adult male has sexual relations with a minor female?
A f'ing crime, is what it's called.

what is it called when an adult female has sexual relations with a minor male?
I dunno, his lucky day maybe? Lol
Edited to add:...and if she's hot, his extra lucky day? Lol (I know that's what I woulda called it had I been a "victim" of such an offense. Lol)

I have friends who live in Dominica. They are fit and healthy. But after traveling in the USA for 6 months they had gained 25 pounds! It dropped off after returning home.

It must have to do with our industrial food supply.
That's one hypothesis, but more likely it has to do with something called hand to mouth disease.

You are what you eat.
And if one eats their meals out of Home Depot bucket using a small shovel as a spoon, one will end being quite a bit. Lol

Those people are f'ef because they stopped.
The trick to successfully getting through a protest like that, is to rapidly speed up as you approach. In fact, you'd do well to floor it.

I guarantee you, that if you approach in that manner, they will get tf outta the way. The only reason they stay out there, is because they see that the cars are slowing down and preparing to stop.
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they are both a fucking crime

This is why my daily driver is an 8,000 pound crew cab diesel dually. You better believe I will be rolling coal as I approach them.
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