Political Joke Thread-Cartoons-Memes

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For all of us TDS peeps this one is sure to be a chart topper.

Looks like WTDS is playing another hit. What a great station.

Criticizing Israel means you hate Jews? If I criticize Iran, do I hate Muslims?

Al-Qaeda, (the base) was created by… guess who?
Frankly, I cannot see why everyone does not notice BOTH of them are the antithesis of Americanism.

Why assume support/nonsupport between these two vipers? They both "suck the sweat off of dead mens' balls."

Trump's Tiny White Balls 2: Now It's A Campaign​

I am late to the party this moanin'... I hadda terrible night. I had a dream:

In August, 2024, Slo-Joe became incapacitated, and was replaced officially by Kumalot. So she was running on the incumbent ticket: "More Of The Same, But Better"

The race for Vice President had Mike as a front-runner... and with the media's fawning hosannahs, he outed himself.
Station TDS is proud to present America's favorite Trump hating gay guy...........Randy Rainbow

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