Political speech on social media can have consequences

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Words have consequences:

Follow up to my previous post:

Folks talking politics or other hot topics on social media under their real names (Facebook, LinkedIn and possibly Twitter) are limiting their options in the corporate world.

Pro-Brazilian Censors Strike Back: Digital Sovereignty Versus Free Speech Online​

An open letter titled “Against Big Tech’s Attack on Digital Sovereignties” was published last week by a group of significant academics and activists who support the ongoing crackdown on X and dissident speech by Brazilian authorities. The signatories include Thomas Piketty of the Paris School of Economics, MIT’s Daron Acemoglu, and other scholars from prestigious institutions such as UC Berkley, the London School of Economics, Stanford, and more.

The letter represents a stark rejection of the liberal norms and technological advancements that have allowed modern societies to thrive. Instead, it proposes a dystopian future not only for Brazil but for the world, in which free expression is at the will of the government and technology serves the state rather than the individual. And it is frightening to see growing support for this censorial vision by so many elites within our society.

This letter should be a wake-up call to those who think that rising censorship in Brazil and elsewhere can’t happen here in the United States. It’s worth taking a closer look at this letter to see why it demands a cultural return to free expression and liberal values.


Words are violence when conservatives say things that leberals do mot like. Malinformation is a new word coined for factual information that the people in power do not want released to the public.
Words are violence when conservatives say things that leberals do mot like. Malinformation is a new word coined for factual information that the people in power do not want released to the public.

Liberals preach tolerance and acceptance of people's differences, yet it doesn't apply when it comes to views that do not align with theirs. They are the biggest hypocrites.
Words are violence when conservatives say things that leberals do mot like. Malinformation is a new word coined for factual information that the people in power do not want released to the public.

Liberals preach tolerance and acceptance of people's differences, yet it doesn't apply when it comes to views that do not align with theirs. They are the biggest hypocrites.
That's because they have a utopia in mind that they are working to mold society into.
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