Political terrorism in America

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‘You are next’: online posts show Islamic State interest in attacks on US ahead of election​

After the FBI arrested an Afghan man in Oklahoma planning an election day shooting on behalf of the Islamic State, the terrorist organization re-entered what has become one of the most chaotic news cycles leading up to a November vote.

Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, of Oklahoma City admitted to investigators he and a co-conspirator expected to die as IS martyrs as they opened fire on crowds on election day, according to charging documents.

Warnings about IS-sponsored or -inspired attacks in the west have intensified in recent weeks.

In a statement on the Tawhedi case, the US attorney general, Merrick Garland, remarked there was a continuing need to “combat the ongoing threat that [IS] and its supporters pose to America’s national security”. Ken McCallum, the head of MI5, the UK’s domestic intelligence service, described how his agency had “one hell of a job” managing the threat of the resurgent terrorist organization.


Good thing the Biden admin is letting in so many unvetted illegal immigrants.

FBI’s Battle: Iranian MOIS’s Sleeper Cells in U.S.​

Mar 7, 2024, 11:08 AM

The FBI’s manhunt for Majid Dastjani Farahani, an Iranian intelligence operative allegedly involved in a plot to assassinate Trump administration officials, signals a grave escalation in the ongoing tensions between the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran. This search, initiated in response to the targeted killing of IRGC’s Terrorist commander Qasem Soleimani in a 2020 drone strike, underscores a chilling narrative of retribution that risks destabilizing not just diplomatic relations but the very fabric of international peace and security.

The Islamic Republic’s sleeper cells within the U.S. have been a significant concern for the FBI. Iran’s regime has aimed to target individuals close to Trump, including Brian Hook, Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Gina Haspel, and Trump himself, as retaliation for Soleimani’s death. It’s uncertain whether Iran utilizes terrorist proxy forces or directly commands operations on U.S. soil, but the FBI closely monitors charities, religious centers, schools, & medical centers linked to Tehran.

The evil we do always bites us in the ass..we go to their countries, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, and many more. We fuck shit up and wonder why they are mad at us...
The evil we do always bites us in the ass..we go to their countries, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, and many more. We fuck shit up and wonder why they are mad at us...
Wait, I thought they hated us for our freedom?
The evil we do always bites us in the ass..we go to their countries, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, and many more. We fuck shit up and wonder why they are mad at us...

Hope I'm wrong but I think that sooner or later we'll pay a price here for the shit we've visited upon other lands.
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