Port strike impacts

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Meantime, the Canadian ports are on strike...partial strike, as they're allowing bulk grain etc. to move through.

No link; but I get it from Sal Mertigliano's channel.

IMHO, they're gonna let the cooling-off period run out, and the union will take the opportunity to punish us Garbage Deplorables for what we DARED do on Election day.
Meantime, the Canadian ports are on strike...partial strike, as they're allowing bulk grain etc. to move through.


The International Longshoremen's Association Halts Talks with the US Maritime Alliance​

Nov 14, 2024 #supplychain #ports #strike

In this episode, Sal Mercogliano - a maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu), and former merchant mariner - discusses the breaking off of talks between the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) and the US Maritime Alliance (USMX) concerning a new master contract for the US East and Gulf Coast ports. Also, an update on port strikes at the ports of Montreal and Vancouver, Canada.


- Dockworkers Dig In: ILA Breaks Off Talks with USMX, Threatening January Port Chaos https://gcaptain.com/dockworkers-dig-...
- Container Terminal Automation https://porteconomicsmanagement.org/p...
- International Longshoremen's Association https://ilaunion.org/
- United States Maritime Alliance https://www.usmx.com/
Yup, the unions want to destroy any chance Orange Man might have in repairing the nation.

The zombies carrying the signs, are just that - pawns, automatons.

The decision makers are in union offices, are paid seven figures, and mostly, are close to government leftists, to Globalist key players, or both.
In this episode, Sal Mercogliano—a maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner— reacts to the recent StosselTV video America's Stone Age Ports: How Unions Block Progress

If interested, you can check it out here:


Trump Backs Longshoremen in Port Automation Dispute | ILA vs USMX Positions | What Automation Means?​

Dec 13, 2024 #supplychain #shipping #ila

In this episode, Sal Mercogliano—a maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner — discusses the announcement of support by President-elect Trump for the International Longshoremen's Union in their negotiations with the US Maritime Alliance for the ports along the US East and Gulf coasts.


00:00 Introduction
01:39 President-Elect Trump's Statement in Support of the ILA
03:55 ILA Statements on Automation
08:14 US Maritime Alliance on President-Elect Statement Supporting the ILA
12:03 The Automation Issue in US Ports
18:28 What Automation Does the USMX Want? East Coast or West Coast? What Ports?
22:38 Challenge to Automation
24:32 Conclusion

- Trump Backs Longshoremen in Port Automation Dispute as January Strike Deadline Looms https://gcaptain.com/trump-backs-long...
- ILA News https://ilaunion.org/ila-news/
- USMX Negotiations Update https://www.usmx.com/resources/usmx-i...
- Port Economics, Management, and PolicyChapter 6.6 - Container Terminal Automation https://porteconomicsmanagement.org/p...

I know what Trump is doing, here. He's only got four years to get a lot done, and doesn't need to be sparring with the unions.

But what he's claiming he supports, is the stuff of Ned Ludd (Luddism) - a mindless anti-progress battle that cannot be won, that only has costs.
Oh, they're itching to strike.

The union goombahs have filled their sheeple's heads with visions of dancing sugar-plums.

But the Goonions are owned by the Circle-D Par-Tay. The same monsters who tell the empty skirts on-camera, what to say, what lies to repeat. To the word; to the inflection point.

Right now it's about making as much trouble as POSSIBLE for President Garbage Deplorable. Literally-Hitler is to be provoked endlessly, until he does something that they can twist into Impeachable or Mentally-Unstable.

US East & Gulf Coast Port Deadline Approaches | To Strike or Not to Strike, that is the Question?​

Jan 3, 2025 #supplychain #shipping #portstrike

To Strike or Not to Strike

In this episode, Sal Mercogliano—a maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner — examines the situation facing the US East/Gulf Coast Ports as the deadline approaches for the end of negotiations between the International Longshoreman's Association (ILA) and the US Maritime Alliance (USMX).


- US Dockworkers, Port Employers Set to Restart Talks Next Week https://gcaptain.com/us-dockworkers-p...
- Red Sea Diversions Helped Container Shipping Dodge Overcapacity Crisis https://gcaptain.com/red-sea-diversio...
- Rates still slipping as peak season recedes and port strike threat subsides https://theloadstar.com/rates-still-s...
- Container freight rates climb as shippers try to beat US strikes and tariffs https://www.tradewindsnews.com/contai...
- Update on ILA-USMX Negotiations and Potential Impact https://www.maersk.com/news/articles/...
- TPM25 https://events.joc.com/tpm/index.html

- Dave Adam, Chairman and CEO, United States Maritime Alliance, Addresses ILA Convention. • Dave Adam, Chairman and CEO, United S...
NORTH BERGEN/LYNDHURST, NJ (January 8, 2025) – The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) have reached tentative agreement on all items for a new six-year Master Contract. The two sides agreed to continue to operate under the current contract until the union can meet with its full Wage Scale Committee and schedule a ratification vote, and USMX members can ratify the terms of the final contract.

NORTH BERGEN, NJ (January 8, 2025) – The leader of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) has a message to incoming President Donald J. Trump: “You have proven yourself to be one of the best friends of working men and women in the United States.”

I'll post the contract when it's made public. Should be a good deal for the rank and file.
Towards the end of the vid there are a few things to see but, in my opinion, better to listen in one tab, play around the forum in a different tab. I'll post a copy of the contract once they post it up in the ILA website.

If you're not into backroom deals, shipping, logistics and supply chain news you may find this a bit boring.

ILA President Harold J. Daggett Leads Rank-And-File Members To Landmark Agreement​

Feb 7, 2025

International Longshoremen's Association International President Harold J. Daggett and International Executive Vice President Dennis A. Daggett Describe Details of United States Maritime Alliance-International Longshoremen's Association Tentative Agreement On New Master Contract. Ratification Vote Set for February 25, 2025

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