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My last p/u was a 1987 D150 (Dodge) with a slant 6 & a 1bbl carb. Had an AM/FM radio, A/C and roll up windows. Don't remember exactly what I paid, but it was less than 12K. It was wrecked in Jan '96. Best truck I ever had. Really wish they still made stuff like that. I'd buy one in a heartbeat.
The goobermint did it, just-fine.You can't kill those 225 cu. in. straight sixes.
Of course he lost, because he ignorantly agreed to it.I recall reading about a civil case where this infor was supeoned for a court case where the car owner had this information used against him. As I recall he lost.
Anyone buying a new car needs their head examined.Bad news: your car is a spy. If your vehicle was made in the last few years, you’re probably driving around in a data-harvesting machine that may collect personal information as sensitive as your race, weight, and sexual activity. Volkswagen’s cars reportedly know if you’re fastening your seatbelt and how hard you hit the brakes.
Case in point.Court rules automakers can record and intercept owner text messages
Try it and the gov will make it illegal.I've wondered how hard it would be to get a company together to buy (25-plus years old) Mexican-market cars, to bring into the States.
Another case in point.Law Will Install Kill Switches In All New Cars
I wonder what it's going to take to stop all this.
It boggles my mind that anyone does.I'm not playing the Surveillance State Roulette game.
That just means they'll try harder to hide the fact the fact that they are doing it.GM Shuts Down Controversial Data Collection Tool
Facing tremendous backlash, especially after a report from The New York Times spiked awareness, GM has reportedly shut down its tool which collects data on owners’ driving styles. Outrage dominated many corners of the internet after what we’ve known for years became more widely known, and quite...www.yahoo.com
It would be one more thing they could prosecute someone for - Trump, or Alex Jones, or me, or you - if and when we're in the Deep State's crosshairs.However, if enough people used one in their car, it'd be impossible for the gov to do anything about it.
....but if you are the only one driving around with one, you'll become easy to find. If 100 million people all around you are also using them, not so much.
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