For my 1,000 post, I thought I would make a fun grab bag of topics post.
1) Concerning the hurricane Sandy:
Wow, what the #@%^$% is wrong with people?
a) I have a co-worker worried about her uncle who ignored evacuation order despite being dependent on dialysis and now is in major trouble because his truck was washed away and can not get to a doctor.
b) Bloomberg turned down National Guard help because he wants the NYPD to be the only armed people in NYC:
c) People were turning down help from those that traveled up there to help because they were non-union workers:
d) The power isn't coming on fast enough for you, so you attack power company workers?!
e) I was reading another article, but can not find it now, where a bunch of businesses had built in areas that were so prone to flooding no insurance would insure their buildings. Once Sandy came in and destroyed their buildings, they were offered government assistance in the form of very low interest rate rebuilding loans. They were furious at this insult and demanding free money.
f) This hurricane is already being used to push the global warming agenda despite evidence to the contrary:
2) Concerning PMbug's inventory watch here:
I think a lot of people are buying metals ahead of the U.S. election and the government cliff we are approaching. I for one am pulling together all my extra cash for a pre-election purchase. I would suggest the same for everyone else. $.02
Sorry, busy with work... stay tuned for more...
1) Concerning the hurricane Sandy:
Wow, what the #@%^$% is wrong with people?
a) I have a co-worker worried about her uncle who ignored evacuation order despite being dependent on dialysis and now is in major trouble because his truck was washed away and can not get to a doctor.

b) Bloomberg turned down National Guard help because he wants the NYPD to be the only armed people in NYC:
c) People were turning down help from those that traveled up there to help because they were non-union workers:
d) The power isn't coming on fast enough for you, so you attack power company workers?!
e) I was reading another article, but can not find it now, where a bunch of businesses had built in areas that were so prone to flooding no insurance would insure their buildings. Once Sandy came in and destroyed their buildings, they were offered government assistance in the form of very low interest rate rebuilding loans. They were furious at this insult and demanding free money.

f) This hurricane is already being used to push the global warming agenda despite evidence to the contrary:
2) Concerning PMbug's inventory watch here:
I think a lot of people are buying metals ahead of the U.S. election and the government cliff we are approaching. I for one am pulling together all my extra cash for a pre-election purchase. I would suggest the same for everyone else. $.02
Sorry, busy with work... stay tuned for more...
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