Remember when the BBC admitted that the news was manufactured….

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Haven't watched the vid yet........but I will.

Got my first shortwave radio in 1964 / 65. Back then the BBC was one of the best news services around. Totally different perspective than the American news stations. Listened to them at least 3 or four times a week. Still listen to them once in a while.

If interested:
I made regular deliveries to a customer in Ft. Lauderdale. He used to open up the garage door in the morning, drink coffee and watch C-SPAN at his tool bench for hours. He was a decent man, but his brain must have been Jell-o.
Well THAT explains a lot.


Those days back then were the golden days of shortwave. The Cold War and Viet Nam were going on. Lotta stuff on the shortwaves. Listened to both sides. The VOA, BBC, both western and eastern European stations, Radio Moscow. Spent hours listening to all the different news services.

Here are 2 examples.

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