Ripple Pumpers Selling out Humanity for Personal Profit

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Ripple (XRP) has been a steadfast warrior against the State in America's War on Crypto for many years. In July of 2023, they won an important victory in court against the SEC:

This victory established a legal precedent that paves the way for the broader crypto market that also faces SEC threats. For this, Ripple deserves some appreciation. Unfortunately, that's about where my good will for Ripple ends.

In the wake of that court ruling and the ongoing wrap up of the case, Ripple fans (or early investers / bagholders) have taken to social media (X, Youtube, etc.) to pump, pump, pump Ripple to infinity and beyond. Claims that Ripple will explode from it's current value circa $0.50 to $1000 or more are not uncommon. Given that Ripple's all time high was $3.84 in January, 2018 (before the SEC lawsuit was filed), one might wonder where the optimism for a greater than 1000 times moonshot comes from. The answer exposes a very dark stain on the souls of the XRP pumping community.

Since it's launch in 2012, the developers for Ripple have been very active in courting institutional interest and development for XRP. In this case, "institutional" includes banks and central banks. Ripple has actively sought to integrate itself with traditional finance. These efforts have led Ripple to become participants in central bank CBDC development projects, which they proudly promote on their website:

Unfortunately, CBDCs are the tyrannical antithesis to decentralized cryptocurrencies. They are tools for total financial surveillance and control - for enslaving the world. They are everything that decentralized crypto was designed to defeat.

Ripple pumpers on social media platforms are celebrating Ripple's inroads in CBDC and crossborder (CBDC) payment settlement developments as reasons to invest in XRP. They are actively rooting for CBDC implementations so that they might see some residual profit on their XRP holdings. They are selling out humanity for their own personal profit.
These pumpers have no shame.


Pursuing profit
Funds engine of enslavement
Success means failure
They are tools for total financial surveillance and control - for enslaving the world.
Only if enough of the People are ignorant enough to go along with it.

OK, I guess we're doomed then.
Judge Fines Ripple $125M, Bans Future Securities Law Violations in Long-Running SEC Case

  • A federal judge imposed a $125 million fine on Ripple after finding last year that its institutional sales of XRP violated federal securities laws.
  • The judge reiterated her view that Ripple's programmatic sales of XRP to retail clients through exchanges did not violate federal securities laws.
A federal judge ordered Ripple to pay $125 million in civil penalties and imposed an injunction against future securities law violations on Wednesday.

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