Just because we (they!) CAN do something, doesn't mean we SHOULD.
Food delivery robots are a cute idea, but not practical. Not the least of which is, ACCOUNTABILITY. Someone grabs the robot, maybe for laughs, and beats open its chamber hot-box to take what's in it...it's a loss to Gee-Whiz Burgers. They're out an order; a customer; an expensive motorized toy. Lots of paperwork and meeting with loss-prevention types. A courier, on the other hand, first, is not going to be such an idiot-magnet; and if he IS accousted, he can REPORT what happened.
If a customer complains, Boss can turn on him and either train him in his errors, or fire him.
Self-driving cars: The ideal thing for the autistic spawn of helicopter parents, who is afraid of people, unable to multitask, as in drive a car in traffic; who cannot hold a job that pays well enough to own a car and who is too socially inept to even hail a taxi. The city bus is a terror for him; but computers are the source of his pleasures (OnlyFans and PornHub). So, SURE...let the computer drive him. He can sit in the back, thumb in mouth, in palpable fear with waves of brain-stem rage.
I compare that to when us mid-late Baby Boomers were kids. We couldn't WAIT to hit the road. I was on the road, with a bicycle, from age 5. Rupp mini-bikes were the rage when I was around ten; and Honda made its Trail 70, which had a real transmission. A friend had one, bought used. It could do 50 MPH!
Then, the trials and travails of Driver Ed, and the discovery that it would COST - insurance - just to be allowed to drive. I didn't get a car until I got a full time job after high school, but several of my friends were faster at it. One friend of my older brother, got his first car - a 1965 Mustang - while in his senior year. His father loaned him the money because the Mustang was cheap. Times they do change.
No, I wouldn't want to join the Playpen Generation and be transported by self-driving cars. When I can no longer afford a car...if I have to move to where I can't walk to the grocery store, as I can right now...if that's the case, I'll travel Uber. Since I can't call a cab, anymore...here, as well as in my sort-of-hometown Cleveland, Uber killed off Yellow Cab and similar big taxicab companies.