ron paul - Digital ID to be rolled into “must pass” defense bill

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Ground Beetle
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got this email from doc's org --

For years, we’ve warned you about the threat of national ID schemes.

Now, we know a digital ID scheme is being quietly slipped into a “must-pass” National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which Congress will deal with when they reconvene after next week’s midterm election.

The NDAA normally determines the agencies responsible for defense, establishes recommended funding levels, and sets the policies under which money will be spent on defense-related activities.

But as is also normal, bills in Congress are filled with pork and unrelated matters that legislators slip in year after year.

This bill/amendment is even more dangerous, though, because it’s the start of a digital ID. As many observers have noted, a digital ID would be necessary to implement a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), which the Federal Reserve and Joe Biden himself have accelerated plans to implement.

Of course, the proponents of this new ID scheme promise that it will only be used to crackdown on criminals and terrorists and keep you safe from identity theft and fraud. . .

Just like they promised us that:

>>>The PATRIOT Act would not lead to mass surveillance. . .

>>>The income tax would only apply to the very richest Americans and the IRS would never abuse our liberties. . .

>>>And ObamaCare would let you keep your doctor if you liked your doctor.

You and I know better than to trust the promises of politicians!

The digital ID bill, S. 4528, the “Improving Digital Identity Act of 2022,” has just two sponsors in the Senate: Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), but once slipped into the NDAA, it stands a greater chance of passage since nobody wants to oppose funding the troops.

This bill will create a new federal bureaucracy, an “Improving Digital Identity Task Force,” to lay the groundwork for a digital ID scheme – which is also a step down the road to a national ID system – and create a grant program to hand out cash to states willing to implement the scheme at the state level.

States are always quick to accept millions in federal funds, and too often put the money over the best interests of their citizens.

This has already been added to the list of amendments to the NDAA. “Improving Digital Identity” is just one of hundreds of amendments the statists hope we won’t see. We need to DEMAND they OPPOSE this digital ID scheme and keep it OUT of the NDAA!

Once the ball is rolling to implement a digital ID, you can be certain the next thing will be heightened calls for a Central Bank Digital Currency – and forcing Americans to accept the “digital ID.”

And why stop there? They could require all Americans to have an ID that features biometric identification information, potentially even including fingerprints, retinal scans, or scans of veins on the back of hands, which could easily be used as a tracking device.

You see, this ID would be tied to a massive government database including virtually any information nosy government bureaucrats want to know about you. . .

Like gun ownership, employment history, purchasing habits, family and friends, love interests, health records, travel, religious beliefs, and political contributions.

If this new ID system is put in place, it will only be a matter of time before it is used to deny employment to individuals who own “too many” firearms, homeschool their children, or challenge the IRS’s “assessment” of how much they owe in taxes.

It can even be used to deny employment to individuals who work to change foreign policy, protect civil liberties, and Audit (and end) the Fed!

These abuses would not have to be “official” policy – just like the IRS harassment of “tea party” groups was never official policy. That was just an “understanding” between certain administration officials and bureaucrats who wanted to crush the liberty movement.

Remember, they just passed funding for 87,000 new IRS agents in their “Build Back Broke” bill!

Since the NDAA could move quickly after Election Day, Campaign for Liberty is gearing up to restart our “NO DIGITAL ID!” program and once again flood Congress with petitions letting your elected representatives know the people do not want any new Digital ID system.

Tell Congress right now: OPPOSE any Digital ID scheme in the NDAA!

We will be keeping a close eye on this bill and staying in close contact with our allies on the Hill.

Campaign for Liberty supporters like you have played a vital role in stopping the mandatory digital ID schemes from becoming law in the past, and I am convinced that if liberty-loving Americans like you continue to help us put the heat on Congress, we can stop any last-minute attempts to sneak a new ID system into law after the election.

The danger lies in what happens on election day. If the Democrats lose power in the House and the Senate, their last six weeks will likely mean going for broke, spending like crazy, and ramming through bills they know they won’t be able to for the next two years.

More often than not, we are fighting Republican statists too, so we need to push back on them just as hard.

Your signed Directive lets your senators know you do not trust their promise that this new digital ID system will only be used to identify criminals and fraud. Why should we trust them now after they’ve let us down on so many other promises they’ve made to the American people?

It lets them know you do not want the government to impose any “digital ID” scheme to enable a Central Bank Digital Currency to monitor and control your finances.

It lets them know that you know there is no stopping government from using this power to punish home schoolers, gun owners, and those who work to restore constitutional government.

And most important, it lets your senators know you are paying attention and expect them to oppose any digital ID scheme.
Based on the OP, I have notified my Congress critters. Gracias, Cheka. I also recommend Gold Hedge's post featuring Dan Bongino's recent show about the Digital ID.
We are so screwed... Much of covid and the vaccine was about accelerating digital ID. They failed so they will coming at us with digital currency full steam ahead.
another email from doc said that digital ID is KEY to the central bank digital currency of (satanic communist) wet dreams - total control

crypto-tards unwittingly advanced/promoted this nightmare
another email from doc said that digital ID is KEY to the central bank digital currency of (satanic communist) wet dreams - total control

crypto-tards unwittingly advanced/promoted this nightmare

There are crypto's that would save you from such a system and some that help it. Waaay to broad of a brush there.
another email from doc said that digital ID is KEY to the central bank digital currency of (satanic communist) wet dreams - total control

crypto-tards unwittingly advanced/promoted this nightmare
We already have the SSN so it wouldn't be to difficult to digitize it.

We're now working for computer bits as it is. "Money" is meaningless in today's commerce. Nobody uses the coin of the realm anymore. It's too cumbersome when all you need do is swipe a card.
The only way to have prevented a cbdc, would have been for the masses to have adopted bitcoin a Decade ago.
Doing so woulda front-run the fed on anything they might come up with.
....but too many nay-sayers spooked too many people on the idea. Now we'll be forced into using the feds for sure, as there really will be no alternative.

Imagine a World where all trade is conducted in decentralized currency, with the only need to convert any into dollars being to pay taxes.
The only way to have prevented a cbdc, would have been for the masses to have adopted bitcoin a Decade ago.
Doing so woulda front-run the fed on anything they might come up with.
....but too many nay-sayers spooked too many people on the idea. Now we'll be forced into using the feds for sure, as there really will be no alternative.

Imagine a World where all trade is conducted in decentralized currency, with the only need to convert any into dollars being to pay taxes.
joe,, i've often imagined a world where the oligarchs created bitcoin in order to beta test their future control, to test the limits of our ability, desire to 'fight back'

i've imagined they've let us suffer the knots and stiffness of a new program, as individuals, in a world where few got wealthy and the rest buy high and sell low, while they'll be there to reap the rewards, at literally no cost to themselves as they've played BC too but they've got the advantage, it's their game...

i've imagined that a lot...
joe,, i've often imagined a world where the oligarchs created bitcoin in order to beta test their future control, to test the limits of our ability, desire to 'fight back'
I don't think tptb would take a chance of introducing something that wasn't directly controlled by them.

What if people had flocked to it? They'd have lost monetary control. I'm more of the mind that they were the ones feeding the "it's a ponzi scheme" ideas so many had/have about it.

Biden Signs National Defense Authorization Act Into Law​

Dec. 23, 2022 | By Jim Garamone , DOD News

President Joe Biden has signed the Fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act into law allotting $816.7 billion to the Defense Department.

The act means a 4.6 percent pay raise for military and civilian members of the department, and includes $45 billion more than originally requested to counter the effects of inflation and to accelerate implementation of the National Defense Strategy.

The act also authorizes $30.3 billion for national security programs in the Department of Energy and the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board and $378 million for other defense-related activities.

Full article here:


U.S. Defense Primer: Procurement​

January 6, 2023 8:48 AM

The following is the Jan. 5, 2023, Congressional Research Service report, Defense Primer: Procurement.

From the report​


While procurement implies a process of obtaining goods or services, the word also refers to a specific title and associated accounts within the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and Department of Defense Appropriations Act.

Read it all here:

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