rotten blood pressure!~

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Yes, yes it does. My father is struggling with it in spite of being thin and eating very healthy.
The past few days my feet want to fall off.

I could be in for some relief this AM-- went to refill rx.
Ask your MD about Inderal. It works for me. Of course, diet and alcohol moderation are a given here.
Threads like these make me realize that I'm amoung the younger guys arround here (I'm 32). :noevil: Thank god I don't have to deal with health problems (yet).

Anyway, my grandfather who died aged 96 had high blood pressure for 30+ years. He never took any prescription drugs against it, he just drank tea made of hibiscus and mistletoe. He never had a heart attack.
Read the book, "Right 4 Your Type" -D'Adamo.

If you truly want to improve, rather than medically enable, try for 30 days.

You will not ever go back.

I surely did not. Neither have the women I have dated and shown this for

the past 12 years. They have even thanked me in passing afterwards.

Cost $0, commitment 100%, defeat what you have been told.
Furthermore, reading your threads and literally hearing the intonation.

I would consider concerning yourself additionally, by searching what you

do seek. Being led to the trough, one must eat. However, gorging oneself

is a choice. I speak both physically and mentally as BOTH may be chosen

to be beneficial, not combative upon any level.

One only finds what one chooses to see.
BP last night was 133 / 74 and 66 bpm.
Age 61 and a bit overweight .....
Just seems to make sense to carry some of my stash around with me though (-;

Dont drink, dont smoke, dont use any drugs, legal or otherwise ......
Try to avoid the white death ( refined sugar ) as much as possible, without being anal about it.
Drink filtered water from a tumbling moorland stream and try to obtain organically grown / produced food.

Sounds boring but life is good and continues to get better ...........

Big up to everyone who suggests natural ways to manage your body.
- things are improved now. I asked to cancel dinner- and send over some food- which she wanted to do anyway- since she has a 4pm dr appt- then another neighbor wanted to borrow $20- at first I said I was broke- but a rebate check came- and she needs to feed her dogs- I said- if you drive me to the credit union- I can help you out. When I am in no condition to drive, I wont drive- she has helped me in the past- so this was nothing. On a day I just could NOT go to the store- she sent over a full gallon of fresh milk. And waited 2 weeks for me to pay her the $4.

I love when we can work things out!!
I'm also a teetotaler.

booze is one problem I never had. I have never EVER been drunk. It can set here for months and not get drank.

I do keep red wine on hand- at times- to not need a BP pill- The dr does give me xanax- and of course that is easy to use up fast. I wont ask him to up the dose because he plays ball with me- why rock the boat ---
BP last night was 133 / 74 and 66 bpm.
Age 61 and a bit overweight .....
Just seems to make sense to carry some of my stash around with me though (-;

Dont drink, dont smoke, dont use any drugs, legal or otherwise ......
Try to avoid the white death ( refined sugar ) as much as possible, without being anal about it.
Drink filtered water from a tumbling moorland stream and try to obtain organically grown / produced food.

Sounds boring but life is good and continues to get better ...........

Big up to everyone who suggests natural ways to manage your body.

54 today. About two months ago I decided I couldn't stand my pot belly.
weight 2 months ago: 165, big pot belly
BP 160/90 with 2 blood pressure meds
cholesterol: 278
blood sugar 205 not fasting

everyone in my house (with the exception of me) is a "body-builder" decided to change my diet, start exercise regime and diet change. No more overt white sugar, starches, lots of vegetables, etc.

weight 152
BP 128/72 pulse 59
Cholesterol 188
Blood sugar 88 not fasting (don't know if thats bad)

no more pot belly

I couldn't do five situps when I started, now I do 100 each day. Can't do pushups, my shoulders click and pop etc. and my eldest son says don't do that, just lift weights vertically for a while in order to strengthen your shoulders.

I don't fell any better but I'm no longer conscious of my huge pot belly.
I can tell when it is high with out even checking it.
rats! I wanted some good advice to spice things up. lol
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