SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, December 9, 2012 Edition

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Yellow Jacket
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Data from a Congressional Research Service report reveals that the amount the government spends on welfare per family below the poverty line exceeds the median earned income. The median for earned income in the United States is about $50,000 per year. The amount spent per family on welfare exceeds $60,000 per year. Assuming a 40-hour work week, welfare equates to an after-tax wage of over $30 per hour.

Congressional Democrats used these figures to make the case against prospective cuts to the government's entitlement spending. “The GOP's notion that we ought to be pushing people to get jobs is completely refuted by these numbers,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) contended. “Any person who can qualify for welfare payments would be harming her family by leaving the shelter of government benefits for the uncertainties of the marketplace.”
I saw a bit on Fox "news" this very morning showing how a part timer at WallyWorld making 8.50 X hour can do better by getting TANF, SNAP, WIC [if she has little one(s)] and medicaid. Just as in England, we are slowly making it more worthwhile for someone to stay on the dole and maybe work a little bit here and there under the table for cash.

Waaaaaay back in the day, I worked under the table full time. When i worked on ships, I would take my pay in whatever port we were in, foregoing taxes altogether.
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Benjamin touched on this topic earlier:

While the "market value" of the total benefits may be similar, anyone who has been there knows that straight cash in your pocket >>>>> store credit at a one product kiosk (government service).

yeah, I saw that also. thought the article was interesting, and agree with you of course. My neighbors two doors down get 4000 a month in food stamps (10 people in the house drawing benefits) (EBT) (my wifes friend is their case worker) and when she went to do an audit, they had no food in the house the day after activation. They have figured out some kind of trade, for sure.
I see it.

2 people I know get small pensions- 2 others I know just SS. The ones with the SS do as well as the ones who get a small pension.

IMO- food stamps could be amended to not cover any drink other then milk. No junk food- that kind of thing. I caught a rep from our chain store here writing a letter to maintain the status quo.-- they retail- someone truly needy will shop at aldis or the surplus store- both of whom did not send a letter to lobby.
I see it.

2 people I know get small pensions- 2 others I know just SS. The ones with the SS do as well as the ones who get a small pension.

IMO- food stamps could be amended to not cover any drink other then milk. No junk food- that kind of thing. I caught a rep from our chain store here writing a letter to maintain the status quo.-- they retail- someone truly needy will shop at aldis or the surplus store- both of whom did not send a letter to lobby.

no doubt my job is gone when food stamp reform happens. The grocery chain I work for (75,000 employees) derives a good chunk of their revenue from welfare and WIC. I watched my neighbors push three carts crowned three feet above the top with pricey prepared food yesterday. They couldn't wait to get to their forks; they were eating the deli stuff out of the bags as they shopped. Also took a hand of bananas and passed them around. Also watched a fat ass tear up the new carry-out girl who was pushing carts. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. You should be doing that when there are no customers. Although its going to be horrible, part of me can't wait for the collapse.
-it is all relative- in the 50s one bread winner was enough-

that slid to 2- chance of decent job/pay outsourced by design. It is all a scam.

Also- we are not the first generation to go thru this. Roll with the punches.
-it is all relative- in the 50s one bread winner was enough-

that slid to 2- chance of decent job/pay outsourced by design. It is all a scam.

Also- we are not the first generation to go thru this. Roll with the punches.

Penn, my family is asian, and from a third world country. WE are quite comfortable eating rice with a small portion of viand each day.

(Bings word, viand, she said I better learn it, its my language)

Likewise, we don't need (but have) electricity, cellphones, cable, halo, this computer I'm typing on, etc. etc. But living in the Philippines on Mindanao and in the US has given my children the opportunity to compare cultures, and make some observations on their own. (They like the Philippines better). We bought land there seventeen years or so ago, adjacent to my wifes family, but its all collapsing there also. Although we are going back in June, (we keep going back and forth) we haven't decided where to live yet permanantly (in seventeen years). Ahh well....

my thoughts are other generations have gone through MUCH MUCH worse :

Bings Mom remembers the Japanese cutting the babies out of the pregnant mothers and playing catch with them on their bayonets in WW2; I'm not saying this to be sensationalist but to point out that it can get MUCH MUCH worse very quickly.
Bings Mom remembers the Japanese ...

One of the relative advantages of living in a country where the population is armed to the teeth is that a foreign occupation is very unlikely to succeed.
One of the relative advantages of living in a country where the population is armed to the teeth is that a foreign occupation is very unlikely to succeed.

They ultimately didn't succeed in the Philippines either, but I see your point. I'm still trying to wrap my thoughts around the type of mindset that would/will be necessary for guerrilla warfare.

400 a month sounds high for one person.

Penn, I thought this sounded too high also. Bing just came in from "work" and I asked her. She said it is 400 dollars per family, each resident has children. I know its the same daddy for two of them. (he lives there also).

They ultimately didn't succeed in the Philippines either, but I see your point. I'm still trying to wrap my thoughts around the type of mindset that would/will be necessary for guerrilla warfare.

also, I'm more concerned with domestic occupation.
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