Senate Republicans rip Tuberville as he foils votes on military promotions

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Don't get how 1 person could hold the power to do this in America. Utter bullshit.

Senate Republicans rip Tuberville as he foils votes on military promotions​

"Republican senators ran out of patience Wednesday night with Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville's monthslong hold on hundreds of military promotions," The Wall Street Journal reported. For more than four hours, a group of GOP senators, most with military backgrounds, staged a "dramatic showdown" on the Senate floor, bringing up 61 generals and admirals whose promotions Tuberville has blocked since February — and growing increasingly angry and caustic as Tuberville, who has no military experience, objected to confirmation votes for each officer.

The senators — Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Todd Young (R-Ind.), and Mitt Romney (R-Utah) — said they agreed with Tuberville's objection to a Pentagon policy that supports female personnel who have to travel to get abortion services — but found his methods increasingly dangerous and counterproductive.

"Xi Jinping is watching this right now, going, 'I can't believe they're not letting these guys command,'" said Sullivan, a colonel in the Marine Corps Reserve. "He's loving this. So is [Vladimir] Putin. ... How dumb can we be, man?"



The brutal GOP attacks on Tuberville — and what they could mean​

An undersold cause of the gridlock in Congress is that it’s often allowed to fester quietly. Nowhere is that more true than in the Senate. Not only can members effectively wage a filibuster without actually having to speak, but a single senator can quietly block key votes by virtue of what’s known as a “hold.”

Basically, a hold means they privately signal they’ll object to unanimously approving a nomination. It significantly delays votes that are usually dealt with quickly. Senators don’t want to spend countless hours on the floor fighting to overcome these procedural hurdles, especially with hundreds of military promotions in play as they are right now, so they try to work out the issues privately.

On Wednesday night, the Senate chose a different path. It elected to put Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-Ala.) historic blockade of military promotions on the floor for all to see. And it was brutal for the senator from Alabama.

Rarely do you see members of a lawmaker’s party attacking the person in such terms. Led by Sens. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), they suggested that Tuberville had gone back on his word. They implied that he was afraid to explain himself. They flatly rejected his claim that this wasn’t harming the military. They invoked his lack of military service, suggesting that he didn’t understand these issues as they do. And they effectively accused him of playing into the hands of nefarious dictators by jeopardizing the country’s national security.


Looks like Tuberville picked the wrong hill to die on.

Republicans TURN on fellow Republican Senator on Senate floor​

Nov 2, 2023
Rolling Stone article

Is Tommy Tuberville the Most Ignorant Man in D.C.?​

Tommy Tuberville's Republican colleagues had finally had it with him.

For months, the Alabama senator and former college football coach has blocked the confirmation of hundreds of senior military officers because he's mad about a Pentagon policy that ensures soldiers have abortion access.

The group of anti-abortion Republicans had worked with him since February to try to find a solution. They'd flattered his ego. They'd mostly defended him in public as his game of chicken stretched nine months, punishing hundreds of senior service members who have no say over the policy and hurting U.S. military readiness at a time of global chaos.

But on Wednesday, their patience had worn out.

Looks like Tuberville picked the wrong hill to die on.
I think not.

The abortion-tourism issue has been settled, by Federal law. But just as with immigration and border-security laws, the Executive Branch has been ignoring and openly flouting those laws.

This is a place where one man can make a difference. Not stop the lawlessness, but shine a light on it.

FWIW, these generals don't need mass-promotions, which is what the bill that he's stopping, provides. They need mass firings. They've given the nation debacle after debacle, loss after loss...with our troops less and less ready.
Washington — For veterans service organizations and military community and family support groups, the well-worn playbook for lobbying and advocacy isn't working this time with Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama.

"He's put his foot down, so we've moved on. We're not focused on Sen. Tuberville anymore," said Besa Pinchotti, who runs the National Military Family Association, a group which represents military families.

Is that group one more Astroturf AARP, or now the AMA? A "group" used as a front for the Establishment to push their agenda, and the mediuh to lie about "members' views"...?

Senate panel passes resolution to end Tuberville blockade of military promotions​

The Senate Rules Committee advanced a resolution that could allow the consideration of 350 nonpolitical military promotions at one time, bypassing Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-AL) blockade of nominees in protest of the Pentagon's abortion policy.

The vote was 9 to 7, with all Democrats voting to advance the proposal and all Republicans voting against it. One Republican voting via proxy was not counted in the final breakdown.


'Like a car wreck on the interstate': GOP senators wage late-night battle with Tuberville over military​

Four Republican members of the US Senate went toe-to-toe with two of their own colleagues late Wednesday night over hundreds of military promotions that have remained in stasis for months.

Sens. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) and Todd Young (R-Indiana) tried for the second time to push through the confirmation of hundreds of US military promotions in the early morning hours to no avail. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) was joined in his blockade by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), who reportedly joined Tuberville's side not just over his abortion-related hold, but to protect procedural rules that allow a lone senator to block nominations. CNN producer Morgan Rimmer live-tweeted the hours-long exchange on the Senate floor.


Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) is coming under fire after he insulted the U.S. military on Monday evening.

“We’ve got the weakest military that we’ve had in your or my lifetime,” he told Newsmax’s Eric Bolling as he complained about diversity initiatives. “Infiltrating our military is all this wokeness.”

Critics were quick to point out that if the U.S. military has been weakened, it’s not because of “wokeness.”

It’s because of Tuberville.

Just came across my screen: Tuberville has lifted his hold over the promotions. What a total piece of shit. He screwed our military heroes over for his own personal amusement.

No one person should be able to do this. We need to go to majority rules.

Tommy Tuberville absent as Senate votes on military promotions: report​

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) has staked his reputation on his protest against military promotions prompted by the Pentagong's abortion policy — but now there's a vote on it, he's nowhere to be seen.

Tuberville was miffed that the military allows soldiers to have time off to have an abortion. They also pay for their travel if the medical procedure can't be done in the state where they are stationed, meaning pregnant soldiers seeking abortion services are allowed travel funds to go out of state.


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