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Yellow Jacket
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The link is the election results from 2020 and it's interactive so you can click on it and change states to red.
Serious question. What states are in play this year?
I could see AZ. No way we get Mi, Wi, Ga and PA back and we need at least 2 of those.

You see how they did that in 2020? We need mail in ballots because of COVID. Once in place they never go away. They know it's the key to winning forever.
Does it matter, the Second Civil War is an inevitability irrespective of who "wins" the (s)election.
It matters in who controls the military at the time. I was really just curious to see if there is any realistic way for trump to win this year.
How will the democrats cheat this time?
And we just lost Arizona. I know of no other country where you can enter illegally and sign up to vote. Can we get some conservative Canadians to come down and vote in our elections too?

Pa is the key state (must have) this year for the dems......I'm sure kamala will pick PA gov Shapiro for vp just for that reason
So if he can get PA That gets him to 254. Michigan would get him a tie if he could pull both PA and Mi. Ga would get him the win with PA but even he knows it's way to corrupt there.
PA may also be to corrupt to get back. A friend of my brothers tried to vote in the last election and they told him he already voted. Wealthy business owner and my guess is he didn't forget that he already voted. LOL
VA just issued executive order to remove all non citizens from voting rolls. A step in the right direction. If that turns VA red then we are up to 248 by my count. If he can turn PA red then we get to 267. Really need to get either GA,AZ or MI as well.
i think he will carry Ga no problem.......Az should be ok too but much closer
Does it matter, the Second Civil War is an inevitability irrespective of who "wins" the (s)election.
That's why I think this is NOT..."winning forever."

It's stealing one more national election. The economy is collapsing. The lunatics now run the asylum - and, aside from their insanity, they simply cannot DO IT.

This is simply unsustainable. That is not to say what comes afterwards will be better - we can certainly work on that - but their own insanity will limit their regime tenure.
NV to purge 90k from the voting rolls.
So, if he can pull NV, GA and VA he doesn't need PA, MI, WI or MN.
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