Deal: Silver Rounds at Spot

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Praying Mantis
GIM2 Refugee
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Deep Underground Bunker
Just thought I'd post a heads up as SD Bullion is offering some silver rounds at spot. I'm a bit tapped out right at the moment or I'd probably load a few more.

Premiums have come down a bit again. Reflecting that a lot of people are starting to get tapped out. Britannias for ~$28 and bars with premiums under $2 / oz.
Premiums have come down a bit again. Reflecting that a lot of people are starting to get tapped out. Britannias for ~$28 and bars with premiums under $2 / oz.

i don't think people are tapped out the low premium stuff is new silver from companies taking delivery from comex and makeing new product that is making it to the market its old product it will be from people selling into the system....if the comex can deliver physical silver to mints for the spot price yes premiums and prices will come down

just my opinion
Thanks for the heads up though!!!
I bought a 1oz gold coin their choice from them at spot last week @ $1959.
Britannias for ~$28 and bars with premiums under $2 / oz.
Who in the hell would want one of the new Britannias with Charles on it. I can't bring myself to say king. I saw those and was appalled at how hideous they were. No thanks.
Who in the hell would want one of the new Britannias with Charles on it. I can't bring myself to say king. I saw those and was appalled at how hideous they were. No thanks.
well, when you start limiting your PM buying by whos on it or what shape it is you end up paying a lot more for the same metal. You should keep your emotions under control when PM stacking. I think charlie and is youngest kid are fucktard scumbags but I dont by any british stuff either.
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