Silver slam

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The joke is something like this, "well Mr. Taxman, it's like this, I didn't sell my silver and gold so there can't be any tax levied on it." "So Mr. Ancona, just where is all of the silver and gold we know you bought because we confiscated all of E-bay, Apmex, Bullion Direct and NWT Mint's records"? "Well sir, I was out in my boat, and I just happenned to have all that gold and silver with me because I was afraid someone might break in to my house while I was out boating and steal it. Unfortunately, a gale whipped up and my boat capsized in three or four hundred feet of water and my silver and gold was dragged to the bottom. We barely escaped with our lives". "I see Mr. Ancona, well, be careful next time". "OK Mr. Taxman, I will". ; - )
can someone please fill me in on the capsized boat jokes?

its a common theme across all pm boards that when they come for your metal, you will tell them that unfortunately there was an accident .......
in a boat ........... everything was lost ........... deep water ........ strong cross currents ....... much sediment ......... here are the co-ordinates ........ :rotflmbo:
Must be Op/Ex today. I see Da 'Boyz are hard at work suppressing silver today. What a crock of unmitigated shiite.:judge:
It's a head fake before the Fed meeting announcement is my guess. QE3 may actually be announced later today.
Yup, I bought near $28... no worries. I'm holding long.

Plus, it's investment money. Sometimes, that happens with investments!

Oh well!

Yup, I bought near $28... no worries. I'm holding long.

Plus, it's investment money. Sometimes, that happens with investments!

Oh well!


I believe any price $30 & under is a gift.
Purchase price will be forgotten in the future.

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