So I got a face to go with a name... Nickndfl

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Unca Walt

Immortal. So far...
GIM2 Refugee
Reaction score
So I got a knock onna front door. Whoever it was, he resisted the urge to use the huge gong and hammer there. Handsome dude standing there sez to me:

"Hi. I've known you for twenty years." As I wore my patented vacant look, he went on: "I'm Nick, and you were gonna gimme a Krugerrand if I stopped by."

Well. I figgered I'd better welcome him into Chateau Sneakydicker with an opening line like that. After about an hour of gumping, we found that we had a blue ton in common: scuba, PM's, politics, yada.

Beau, one of my wild/tame pet peacocks showed up, and I got some peanuts. Beau loses all hesitation when it comes to peanuts, and will gobble them hastily from my hand. I turned and saw Nick taking a video of Beau and Your Humble Obdn't &tc. Every time Beau sees me, he fluffs up his feathers and will brush them across my face. Bromance, no error.

Nick thought that was kewl so he tried it. Beau had no loyalty at all -- even though he was born in my back yard 15 or so years ago -- he ignored that Nick was a stranger, and gobbled from Nick's hand like he was an old chum.

Nick hadda run, but we agreed next time he showed up, we'd shoot my crossbow. And the Krugerrand deal had just expired, which made me very sad for Nick.
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That's a really GREAT story! Glad you expounded upon the peacock video! It makes more sense now!

I've known all the GIM folks for at least 20 years. I was musing over this just today and kind of got sad about the site being shut down the way it was. We had a brother/sisterhood that was really something!

All the posts and information gone: POOF! I still don't understand why Frank wouldn't turn the keys over to someone else.

A damn shame really.
I'm trying to remember who was it that lived in Oregon who's homestead burned down during those fires?

He had a huge parrot and was in the process of rebuilding.
Walt and his wife are good people even though i intially trolled him about the krugerrand at the front door as I do occassionally online.

I also met Barnacle Bob who brought his wife to our beach. Very nice couple.

The members from GIM must have the common traits of a burning desire for self-reliance and personal responsibility not to mention leave the planet in better shape than when we arrived.
Yes that was Tazz who lost almost everything in the fire. I sent him some goodies ( maple syrup, wild rice, and homemade pickles) and some 9mm ammo to help him out. Super nice guy. Haven’t talk to him for a long time but going to show ups at his place one of these days. I also traded Walt for his book and sent him a sample of syrup. I’m going to show up at his door and beg for coffee and ask if I can touch off his canon!
I'm trying to remember who was it that lived in Oregon who's homestead burned down during those fires?

He had a huge parrot and was in the process of rebuilding.

About half the folks that used to be on the "evaporated" site have gone there. They have set up a special place for all the refugees who are called/identified as "420club". No politics in our special place, although there is a politics section for everybody, not just us refugees/

Come join us. It's like putting on old shoes.

You will find him and a shitload of others you have known for decades there. It is run by a wonder Brit dude named Gypsy Nirvana <-- A historical giant in the weed world.

Yes that was Tazz who lost almost everything in the fire. I sent him some goodies ( maple syrup, wild rice, and homemade pickles) and some 9mm ammo to help him out. Super nice guy. Haven’t talk to him for a long time but going to show ups at his place one of these days. I also traded Walt for his book and sent him a sample of syrup. I’m going to show up at his door and beg for coffee and ask if I can touch off his canon!
Bushpilot -- I gots no coffee anymore (*sob*) But you can hand-feed my peacocks. And bunnies. And squiddels. Jimmy and Jinny (crows) are still only tame to me (not even my Red Witch).

OH!! This is a great place to ask:

87% of respondents to that book say they've gotten chokey reading it -- either for happy or sad.

So I gotta ask you. Did I getcha?

One guy wrote in entirety: "You sonuvabitch! You got me on the last page!"

One lady was on a cross-country flight and was crying. The stewardess asked what was wrong. "It's this damn' book!'

My Scottish Firepants gets all teary in five different places. Twice for happy, three places for sad.

NOW FOR ALLA YOUSE: If you ever get aholt of real maple syrup, do this:

Put a 1/4 cup of maple syrup in a bowl. Add a half teaspoon of salt and mix it in. Dump in about a cup or so of pecans and mix them together well, coating all the pecans.

Put them on an aluminum-foil covered tray and bake them 1 hour at 200F inna oven.

Fantastic to munch, and great on ice cream.

That is where all Bushpilot's maple syrup has gone.
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I dropped in on Walt last year with Mrs.L. Got to shoot that crossbow too. Brought him a copy of his book that I carried in my backpack for 1000 miles, and he graciously autographed it for me. He also gave Mrs.L a book and autographed it for her too. Then I had to carry 2 books. Someday they'll be worth million$.
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