So the elite wanted Maui... Now we have the president confirming it was planned

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Although you'd think they could have gotten a better stand-in...someone who's actually articulate...
That is the part where you can actually define the vast reach at all levels the cabal has:

NO "official" admission of anything. Blatant. Think the laptop. Biden announcing his greatest vote fraud organization AND announcing he sent a big shot out here BEFORE the fire to "TAKE CARE OF ALL THE FAMILIES ON MAUI."

It is "in your face" level. <-- And that is actually good. Even assholes are having elephantine stirrings of alarm about the shenanigans of our Gummint. Get enough of them, and Gitmo will look like
Yeah Walt I preferred the smoky back rooms. Until enough people wake up this shit will continue. Lots of brain dead walking around.
It is "in your face" level. <-- And that is actually good. Even assholes are having elephantine stirrings of alarm about the shenanigans of our Gummint. Get enough of them, and Gitmo will look like
And then, the same puppetmasters who created this problem, will sell us the solution. Classical Hegalian dialectic.

Just let us adjust things...Governor Hairdo would make SUCH a fine, Kameltoe gets put in the short bus...the wheels of the bus go round-and-round (sung in singsong...)

And then Corn Pop suffocates himself on a pillow one night. Or one midday.

Hail to the Thief! Let us introduce...Preezy-Dint Gavin Grusome!

Meantime...the clock is running out on our obviously-unsustainable situation.
Pretty sure that means all those people were Murdered and Biden just admitted to giving the order to get someone there. Pretty reasonable to assume he gave the order. Is the President immune from prosecution for giving an order for murder? Although when Obama was in under the NDAA it did give presidential powers to kill Americans. Not sure that would hold up in court though except in leftist places.

Rest easy though, Americans will just accept it and move on.
You ain't listenin' are ya. You a sekrit democrat? Where did you misplace the knowledge I know you had about the Law Of War and who has activated it?

That, I'm just not following.
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