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Yellow Jacket
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So once your money is in your stack- then adding to it- we seek ways to add a few ounces a week or month- buy as much as you can forget you own- do NOT churn. People who known me for years- know I do this.

Spot means nothing when shipping and other fees eat into the cost.

Most of us- already have our money in a physical stack- so large orders of rolls of eagles and so forth- just do not happen.

Please add any helpful imput
If you are looking for frequent small orders - too small to qualify for volume discounts of shipping breaks - I would suggest looking for a local coin shop. Sometimes you can develop a relationship with the proprietor and get slightly better terms than Joe Blow off the street and it works out better (even with local sales tax) than ordering online. If you have the patience and risk tolerance for it, you can also try buying on ebay.
There is no local coin shop where I live. Not yet- anyhow. Ebay used to have click rebates- man those were the days! $9 an ounce and up to 30% rebates!!
Cliff, sometimes pawn shops have pieces they are selling, and will give you a deal near spot, since they only pay out 70% pf spot when they buy.
Put a Wanted to Buy in the marketplace here or on other forums.
You can probably buy close to spot with lower shipping. up & buy larger quantities.
Of course if you want to use paypal the fees will hurt alot.
Just a suggestion.

I made rounds of the local jewelry shops that advertise buying gold. I found that most buy silver as well. I offered to pay them "near" spot price with cash. It's worked out well so far. I bought 15 Morgans in beautiful condition yesterday for $300. Last week I picked up 113 dimes and 5 quarters for $210. Got a bunch of halves for $9.50 each recently as well.

We don't have a local coin shop, so I tried to be resourceful in an effort to obtain local silver at reasonable prices. So far, so good.
the local coin shop always calls me when he's got something. Cambodian guy, he's always "doing me a favor, he'll let me have it for ten percent below spot". Having talked to some sellers, he pays 50% of spot.

the local grocery store where I work frequently has 90% silver at face (theres still a lot out there). Also, word is out that I'll pay what spot happens to be at the time, so frequently people come in wanting to sell me silver, (need beer, cigs, whatever). Haven't been robbed (yet).

Paul Sims in Virginia charges 5.00 flat shipping no matter the order, so over the years I suppose I've paid 50. for 10k worth of silver. he's cheaper than APMEX anyway.

I'm like Penn, though. Very little discretionary money for stacking anymore. Glad I got in early.
There is no junk to find in change here. I glance- but dont go for rolls like I did once.
I was talking to the local coin guy, mentioned that i used to go through rolls, but there wasn't anything left out there. He said "Oh yes there is", he does it every day. So I went down to the bank and got three hundred dollars worth of halves, and as I was walking out, the teller said "You won't find anything, a guy just turned them in". :( But you can have this roll in my drawer if you want. It had one 40% in it.
The credit union I go to - the clerks never have a line- so they have 8 hours a day to go thru each and every coin....
I've bought at pawn shops, too. You can get a great deal there, especially if you develop a relationship.

I have a LCS that calls me when they get certain items in. Now, that's handy :)

The credit union I go to - the clerks never have a line- so they have 8 hours a day to go thru each and every coin....

back when I thought I had some money and collected coins and banknotes, one day the bank manager came out with a stack of banknotes three inches high. All silver certificates etc in various denominations. He said I could have anything I wanted for face (I didn't want any though). he kept all the gold certificates for himself.
I've bought at pawn shops, too. You can get a great deal there, especially if you develop a relationship.

I have a LCS that calls me when they get certain items in. Now, that's handy :)


mine does that also, good for me but I don't think it works out real well for the people selling to him.
Selling at a pawn shop is always a trerrible idea. They don't pay shit for it because they have to hold it by law for thirty days, within which spot can drastically change. As fart as those We Buy Gold places, same same. Buy and sell either through a trusted LCS or an online dealer with a good rep.
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