Supreme Court Allows TSA To Issue Mask Mandates

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pretty soon tsa will also control transportation by vehicles and could require masks when driving a car

next thing we know is all transportation has to be pre-approved and will require tolls , carbon tolls

wanna go shopping?

that will be .37 cents a mile and be sure to wear a mask
mandates are only effective if we allow them to be

they'll bully us, and others 'like us' will bully, stop flying

tell them why every chance you get...

stop participating until you can no longer avoid, then figure out another way

how many professionals have we lost in all the major careers to that vax requirement?...but, to the individual who stepped aside, in the end, we actually won

it's weird what's considered to be law these days, actually quite scary as the Real Law doesn't seem to be followed while they're now all following mandates
Or in other words, move to Galt's Gulch.
...or create your own right where you are.
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