The Ayatollah is out

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Yellow Jacket
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The Ayatollah is out :clap:


2 more to "eliminate" from the race

Ron Paul ftw

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I long maintained the race will end up a fight between Ron and Mitt. Mitt might take the nuclear option and make a deal with The Frothy One for a VP slot in exchange for his pledged delegates, but I'm not sure that such a ticket would excite voters in November.
Romney seems to favor Rubio as his VP from what I read, but I have to admit that my interest in the primary has dropped recently. Maybe Mitt will have to make the VP deal with Santorum in order to win the convention. It would probably ensure him a victory in the bible belt, but would East Coast Republicans vote for a radical like Santorum? Maybe RS is even satisfied with a cabinet position below VP (head of a department) in exchange for his delegates. I think running the DHS would really be a good job for him

I hope Ron Paul somehow manages to win a big state (California? Texas?), so we get a brokered convention. This seems to be the only chance to stop Mitt now.
Romney Paul would be a good ticket. It would pick up a hell of a lot of swing votes too.
If I can't find Paul on some ticket, for the first time in decades, I just won't vote. I'm sick of trying for the lesser of two evils, only to find out that evil is just evil. In this case, there's hardly any "lesser" involved anyway.
Unfortunately, I predicted Romney vs. Obama, with an Obama win six months ago. :flushed: I still see nothing that would make me think otherwise. I will still write in Ron Paul in the general election.
I plan to vote for Ron. Period.

A Romney/Paul ticket might actually beat Obama, but I would be surprised if Romney changed his tune enought to convince Ron to join, even given Romney's propensity to say whatever is convenient.

DC, instead of not voting, go and write in who you want. It still accomplishes not endorsing an evil, and gives you the chance to voice your opinion. Obviously not many are going to be listening to that opinion, but staying home guarantees nobody will listen.

sa, when I read the thread title I was expecting a news link from Tehran.

The best position for the Frothy One is Head of the Department of His Own Damn Business.
Why are we talking about this? Shouldn't we ONLY talk about silver and gold. up down up down up down /sarc
This is the shoot the sht subforum, we can talk about whatever here, Penn.

I don't like write ins, and I don't like 3rd parties. Because I've known some poll watchers and they just toss those votes over their shoulders when they are not for either of the parties that have those, "good-good?" and they get tossed out entirely.

One of the few things that can shut me up is the absolute certainty that no one is listening.
If I can't find Paul on some ticket, for the first time in decades, I just won't vote. I'm sick of trying for the lesser of two evils, only to find out that evil is just evil. In this case, there's hardly any "lesser" involved anyway.
Whenever you choose the lesser of two evils ... you are still choosing evil.
Whenever you choose the lesser of two evils ... you are still choosing evil.

There is hardly a lesser evil to pick in a Romney vs Obama match up. I wrote about it a few months ago here:

They are have very similar views on many subjects. People may think we have a choice between red or blue, but honestly the choice is blue or slightly darker blue. :paperbag:
And even when they claim to have very different views, say Bush-Obama, the same crap happens. Leads one to think they are liars, stupid - or completely controlled by some external force whose views don't change. Were this the hoary old SAT tests, I'd be looking for D: All of the above as one of the answers.
This is a tough one for me. On one hand, if Obama wins a second term, he can't blame the last four years on anyone but himself, but on the other hand, we will have a social fascist in charge who wants total government control and the ability to tax everyone in to oblivion. He will also go after the guns using any and all methods both legal and illegal.

If we get Romney, it will be a complete crapshoot all the way.
If we get Romney, it will be a complete crapshoot all the way.

I don't think we want Obama in there during the collapse. He's been able to do a lot of damage already. Can you imagine how bad it would be if he was a lame duck?

I think we want a guy in there that actually wants to keep his job.
Ron Paul is the only candidate who will try and directly reduce the size of government and get us out of the intractible wars we are bound up in. He is also the only one who believes in sound money. I wish his message would get equal air time, but TPTB will never allow it. His only and distant hope would be to catch a Veep slot and shortly after inaguration day, the Prez has a fatal accident or heart attack. There simply is no other way he can get anywhere close to the Presidency.
I wonder, derek - we know it's going to tank, so who do we want to get the blame?
That's one consideration. We here know that who gets the blame might not be the main one deserving it, but to the people, that doesn't matter as long as there's someone to blame it on.

Also - there seems to be little to zero difference in the social dictatorship ambitions between the parties - only which thing they want more control over first.

And we have a counter-intuitive conundrum here - the worse whoever is in a clutch, the more likely we stop slow boiling the frogs and crank up the heat to where the sheep notice a problem...There, it's hard to pick a winner for the same reason - is there really any difference?

I mean, a choice between two stuffed-shirt fakers who lied their way to the top? Both of whom have track records of doing very differently than they say? What sort of choice is that?
even discussing this choice is evidence that the red pill hasnt fully worked its way through your thinking.

The whole political process is a sham that we are supposed to engage in.

The real question is what to do about it ........

for me the answer is simple - stop using their means of exchange

actually putting it into practise is somewhat harder than working it out but if all your decisions move you in this direction then you are making progress.

'When you take your first step towards your dream, it takes its first step towards you'

Lao Russell, wife of Walter Russell, one of my 'lost heroes'
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So, you just walk away and let the rest rot and self-destruct? I don't see how stopping using their means of exchange affects anything whatever unless a heck of a lot of people do it together. Then here we are, back to politics - or whatever you want to call any large organized group of humans.

There are several moral questions involved here. I like to be on a higher plane than "Me for me, and y'all look out for yourselves because I'm leaving your system". Because for just one thing - that never really plays out that way - sometimes I need help myself, so it's pretty hypocritical to refuse help the rest the rest of the time.

That sounds harsh, which isn't how I mean it, but those questions do arise. Can you simultaneously believe "everything is one" and yet separate yourself and absolve yourself of all responsibility for the others?

Not saying I have the answer, or even an answer. Just working on the right questions at present.
So, you just walk away and let the rest rot and self-destruct? ............ Not saying I have the answer, or even an answer. Just working on the right questions at present.

Im not that far down the road that i can repair the whole of society and consider the necessary first step, for me, is to stop, as much as practical, using fiats to meet primary needs. However there is no practical way to completely stop using cash. (until cash no longer works )

The more i can get people thinking about increasing resiliance in their lives and taking that first simple step of carrying a bit more food, the happer i am, as i do care for all others on a deeper level but can only attempt to educate those i come into contact with and then youve got to be careful to not spin em out.

The key is to make it fun and not fear driven.
The "choices" we have are annointed choices made to look different so that we don't notice that there are only 2 groups of people - those who are powerful and the rest of us. The Romney, Obama, Bush, Kerry, Clinton types and all their cohort in the congress are in the same club, and none of us were invited.

The sham is setup so that, thinking we had a choice and that "the people" have spoken, we don't get restless when we are wronged. After all, we can just vote the bums out next time, just like we do every time, right? It was our fault to begin with...

At least with Obama the "real Americans" are at least willing to think about their government not being on their side. I worry that a Romney will mumble a tax cut here, bumble through a Reagan this or that there, all the while signing things like "reasonable" gun laws, "necessary measure to combat the war on terror" and all that crap to the great cheer of "real Americans". With a Romney you will see absolutely nothing get better. Sure he will talk nicely and salute the flag, but not one zinc penny will be cut from the budget or paid down on the debt, not one soldier will be brought home, not one DHS checkpoint removed, and not one abomination removed from the largest labyrinth of law ever created.

The red and blue, republican and democrat, socialists, communists, fascists, greens, and all the other crap are intended for the same goal. They put a bumbling Bush up there and 8 years later "anyone would be better than Bush", and "anyone" is exactly who we got. So we have 4 years of "ooooohhhhh, he's a Marxo-leninistic, Moa worshiping Alinskyite! Anyone would be better than Obama!" And you'll see that "anyone" is exactly who they will give us.

TPTB, TBOD, their end goal is control all the resources and all the people. They are ancient and they are global.

If they can control us with communism, they will be communsits. If they can control us with socialism, they will be socialists. If they can control us with fascism, they will be fascists. If they can control us with constitutional monarchy, they will be constitutional monarchs. If they can control us with democratic republicanism, they will be democratic republicans.

I would like to think that there are many of us who realize this, there are here at least, and that if it was made more public so that it would be accepted to see what we see and to not hight that sight, then maybe it would be a step forward. Whether a write in vote will help that or not, I do not know.
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