The Butcher of Poland

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Unca Walt

Immortal. So far...
GIM2 Refugee
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Regarding the contorted bending of the law (Hunter = still OK, Trump Indicted), Next time you see a lib cheering for the law bending law-breaking actions of the Dem leadership, give them chance to see who -- by their own words -- they would have fulsomely supported:
Hans Frank
The Butcher of Poland
He developed the thesis: "The Law is Subordinate to the Party"

That, Pilgrims, is the FBI/CIA/MSM, etc. -- AND THOSE WHO SUPPORT NAZI IDEOLOGY. If you support the political lawfare and law-breaking you see -- since it is for such a noble cause -- you are an archetypal Nazi. He was hanged.
Just to drive reality home for any lurking leftists, lookit this below and compare it to Hans Frank's Thesis:

The crooked Trump prosecutor's father is a black panther, (John Clifford Floyd III) -- hangs with groups making explosives. The crime of believing the election was stolen is not a crime if Hillary does (did) it, but Trump, now...

Here are her daddy's words:

"Our liberation will only come when there is final destruction of this mad octopus -- the capitalistic system of the United States"

If you are going to support the left... at least assimilate what it is you are supporting. Otherwise, you are just being the classic "useful idiot".
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