The cartels who run the world

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The cartels who run the world​

"The Biden regime, in conjunction with the American deep state, is a cartel; not a good one."
Consider this random pov:

Obviously America is great and all, however time & time again, up pops this crippling "American Exceptionalism" fallacy.

Do ya ever wonder if ya'll (*stateside) are being [mis]led to focus upon certain prefabricated conclusions which might be designed specifically for appealing to Americans and may be distorting ya'llz perception of things much more unappealing for the average American to accept & perhaps far less discernable in general but especially while remaining beyond the glow of the American bubble?

The "Biden regime" seems cartoonish, imo.

And whatever the ambiguous "American deep state" is or possibly isn't, these supposed entities actually run or control anything except public performances?

Do they run or control even a mere fraction of what some other very old "cartels" apparently do?

If "no", are you sure?

👇Know who this guy is?
•Prince Fabrizio

Consider this random pov:

Obviously America is great and all, however time & time again, up pops this crippling "American Exceptionalism" fallacy.

Do ya ever wonder if ya'll (*stateside) are being [mis]led to focus upon certain prefabricated conclusions which might be designed specifically for appealing to Americans and may be distorting ya'llz perception of things much more unappealing for the average American to accept & perhaps far less discernable in general but especially while remaining beyond the glow of the American bubble?

The "Biden regime" seems cartoonish, imo.

And whatever the ambiguous "American deep state" is or possibly isn't, these supposed entities actually run or control anything except public performances?

Do they run or control even a mere fraction of what some other very old "cartels" apparently do?

If "no", are you sure?

👇Know who this guy is?
View attachment 10580
•Prince Fabrizio

There are some religious organizations (one in particular) that two supreme court justices belong to that are extremely secretive. Can't think of the name off the top of my head but I'll dig around a come up with it. Kinda tied to the catholic hierarchy. Know anything about it? Bringing this up because of the "one world government - one world religion" thing.

Create a problem so bad you'd have the peoples of the world begging for help. Bring out your "help" in the form of a man of the people. Good looking, educated, speaks to the masses in a way they understand and like. The man of the people presents a solution to the problem in the form of a new currency and a new religion. A new beginning. A re-do. A chance to start over. Just one catch - ya gotta go along with the program. No free thinkers allowed. Ya gotta be with us or else.

Now I have no clue if this will ever happen. Just something I believe certain groups (both political and religious) are working on behind the scenes.
The DS is run by pedophiles and satanists.
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