The Constitution

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Yellow Jacket
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The constitution is what made America great. It provided a refuge for freedom. Freedom is the foundation for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A free society is the most productive since the benefits go directly to those who produce.
Adherence to the constitution is imperative to living in a constitutional republic. The easiest path back to that but also the most painful is the elimination of the federal reserve.
Can't argue a bit with that.

I might add, stress...that the EASE of creating fake-fiat money, is what is leading government into these misadventures. NO society, prosperous or not, could spend trillions supporting illegal invaders; poisoning the productive classes; corrupting petrol supplies with a destructive contaminant, in the fantasy of lower emissions.

NOR pay NGOs and an unelected body of worldwide government bureaucrats, to SIT IN JUDGMENT of the US and assert sovereign power over it.

To say nothing of Endless War.

This and thousands more examples. It ALL ends, when money is again SCARCE. When these destructive, lunatic programs again have real, immediate cost.
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