The Dark Reason The Rich Hate Democracy Revealed

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The Dark Reason The Rich Hate Democracy Revealed​

Thom Hartmann P
Jan 18, 2023

If working people were a bit more desperate about their economic situations, the wealthy believe, they’d be less likely to organize, protest, or even vote. 12:20
This only works in an end-stage dominant society, with the official currency deemed as Reserve Currency - either officially or de-facto.

Merry Olde England had a lot of exploitative rot going on - Jack London's recounting of his trip to London, where he compared his easy living on his modest success in America, with the rock-and-a-hard-place the working Cockneys had in England. Read it long ago - wish I still had the book to re-read.

But even with periodic reforms and partial reversals, it all went to excrement when the sun finally set on the British Empire.

Once the government can no longer print its fiat in immeasurable quantities (and it being accepted as value); and once the Woketard rich take all the motivation and drive out of the citizens-turned-serfs...these Rentier Rich no longer have any value to suck off. They will then turn on each other, while going through many of the same hardships.

Think not? What mega-rich class occupies the former Soviet Union, now? Or, India? India was once a place where the Raj class gave orders, drank warm British beer, and tried to live like Southern Planters, the Brit version.

All gone, now. All that could be sucked out, has been; and even with now about 30 years of economic reform, with some success, there's not enough money for a Black Rock to come in.

What is needed for these Crony Rich, is a perfect storm - Reserve Currency, economic illiteracy in government, and ability to control or garner power. And those conditions, when they arise, are toxic to that society - they don't last.

We're in the Fourth Turning. The specifics don't matter, not until these traitors get hauled into the dock, or until they lose their bodyguards along with their wealth. We're a ways away from that.
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