The insanity that is government

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The government is a reflection of the people.

To quote H.L. Mencken, in a democracy (or republic) the people get the government they deserve...get it, good and hard.

More accurately, the government is a reflection of the Elite Class of whatever society you're looking at. Peasants and serfs don't set policies - they might sweep floors in government halls, but that's it. The Power Elites set such contradictory, wasteful rules and systems.

Not just there, either. Are you familiar with Baseline Budgeting, used here? Maybe there, also. The budget is ASSUMED to be the same, as a base, for each agency and department - no justification for the baseline. INCREASES must be sold, and are, each year.

Leading to incredibly wasteful spending. But then, when it's all coming from CTRL+PRNT...does it matter?
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