The (Lewis) Powell Movement

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The Memo

The Powell Memo​

Sep 3, 2024 Master Plan podcast

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A seemingly moderate corporate lawyer grows alarmed by anti-corruption reformers’ policy wins and writes a manifesto detailing how corporations and oligarchs can dominate American politics. Months later, he’s confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court by senators unaware that his manifesto is going viral among the business elite.


The Secret Task Force​

Sep 10, 2024 Master Plan podcast

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How did corporate executives and politicians turn Lewis Powell’s memo from a blueprint into a master plan — and begin executing it? In this episode, we uncover proof of a secret “Powell Memo Task Force,” as well as clandestine meetings involving America’s most powerful businessmen, a future president, and an ambitious young media consultant. The results would change history.


The 50 Year Plan To Legalize Corrupt Elections! w/ David Sirota​

Sep 11, 2024
Never-before-reported 50-year plot to legalize corruption. The plot began in the 1970s and culminated in the most recent Supreme Court term — and in the Project 2025 plan that has dominated the current election.


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Corporations Are People, My Friend​

Sep 17, 2024 Master Plan podcast

You might remember Mitt Romney’s infamous line: “Corporations are people, my friend.” But where did this idea come from? In this episode ( : how the Ford Administration and the Powell Memo movement turned to the Supreme Court to establish the precedent that legalized corruption: money is speech, and corporations are entitled to First Amendment rights.

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