The Lunatic Fringe - Political Chat

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DEPOSITION VIDEO RELEASED: Trump Grilled By New York AG Letitia James In Newly-Released​

Corruption Perceptions Index

The 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) shows that most countries are failing to stop corruption.
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Here's an old article that I just ran across again - it's from October 6, 2019

Willard Cleon Skousen, a former FBI employee, wrote the book “The Naked Communist”. He was the person who first uncovered and wrote about the 45 Communist Goals that were later read and imprinted in the congressional record of 1963.

Willard passed away in 2006, but his message is still as clear today as it was back then.

You can read the entire list that he discovered below. How many do you think have already been completed?

The 45 Communist Goals as Read in the Congressional Record of 1963 1963.,as clear today as it was back then.
Blinken does Hoochie Coochie Man and this dumbass cries. But they're human.

Not buying it they had to know.

In many Marshall arts, you step back or somehow use your attackers' momentum against them. It seems to me that is what has happened here, they have allowed them to go further than they'd have normally expected to get just so that they can justify responding as heavily as they have. Brutal tactics for those caught off guard by it all.

No saints in this fight.
I liked this one...

They don’t speak about the elephant in the room. They are Europeans that came to Palestine and conquered. True, there were some Jews living there already. And many Jews that did come from Europe legitimately bought land. But the Israeli borders have been expanding for decades, through violence and displacement of the indigenous peoples.

Palestine has only been in existence since the 60s. The Jews claim a civilised presents in the area for a much much longer time than that. The idea that it all came about with the British in the 40s isnt accurate.

There's also the question of this imbalance in attitude. As I understand it the Jews have made a number of offers for a Palestinian nation state but the Palestinians just want to eliminate the Jews totally. How do you deal with something when it just wants you dead?
That is to say that the idea that the Arabs are the indigenous people is hotly disputed. The Arabs in the area were nomadic while the Jews had organized civilization.

I don't know, but given the fact that the Palestinians won't negotiate a settlement I kind of feel for the Jewish side of the argument. You can't expect them not to be aggressive when you just want them dead and gone. I think the Palestinians have bought themselves a problem here.
1960’s? No, that area has been called Palestine for hundreds (thousands?) of years. There are Semitic people That have been there for a long time. Those are Jews, Palestinians, Bedouins, etc.

Ashkenazi Jews are from Europe and not Semitic.
Biden showing yet again just how much of a liability he is:

1960’s? No, that area has been called Palestine for hundreds (thousands?) of years. There are Semitic people That have been there for a long time. Those are Jews, Palestinians, Bedouins, etc.

Ashkenazi Jews are from Europe and not Semitic.

My understanding is that the Palestinian national identity really only surfaced in the 60's, prior to that, well it was a long messy history...

The region known as Palestine has a long and complex history characterized by the presence and rule of various ethnic and religious groups over time. It has not been under constant occupation by any single ethnic group. Instead, the area has seen a succession of different rulers and occupiers over the centuries. Here is a brief overview of some of the key occupiers and rulers in the region:
  1. Ancient Empires: The land of Palestine was inhabited by various peoples, including the Canaanites, Israelites, Philistines, and others. It came under the control of various ancient empires, including the Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans at different times.
  2. Byzantine and Islamic Rule: In the early Christian era, the region became part of the Byzantine Empire. In the 7th century, it was conquered by the Islamic Caliphate.
  3. Crusader Period: During the Middle Ages, the region was under the rule of various Crusader states and European Christian kingdoms.
  4. Ottoman Empire: From the 16th century until the early 20th century, Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire.
  5. British Mandate: After World War I, the League of Nations granted Britain a mandate to govern Palestine, leading to British rule from 1920 until 1948.
  6. Establishment of Israel: In 1948, Israel was established, leading to the displacement of Palestinian Arab communities and the beginning of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  7. Israeli Control and Occupation: Since 1948, Israel has controlled various parts of the former British Mandate of Palestine, including West Jerusalem, and later, the West Bank and Gaza Strip following the Six-Day War in 1967.
  8. Palestinian National Authority: The Oslo Accords in the 1990s led to the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) in parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, although Israel maintained significant control over these areas.
The region's history is marked by a series of transitions and shifts in governance, with various ethnic and religious groups living in the area at different times. It has been a crossroads of different civilizations and cultures throughout history, and the complex historical and political landscape has contributed to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

So, yeah, I guess it was a name and an area but not a nation state with a consistent population. I'm told that the bulk of the Arabs in the area were nomadic, and they came and went as it suited.

Zed, I highly recommend you read a book called "The Palestinian Catastrophe" by Michael Palumbo if you want a better understanding of the history and why Palestinians are the way they are. Much of what you seem to believe about Palestine and it's history derives from Zionist propaganda.
I personally know people who still have title deeds issued by the Ottomans for property in Palestine that was stolen by Israelis. As in, a group of Israelis walked into their house one day with guns and told them to get out, that the house now belonged to them. There were nomads, but there were plenty of settled people as well. Both Christian and Muslim who were driven out of homes and properties their families had lived in for centuries.
Biden showing yet again just how much of a liability he is:
Moonwalk like Michael Jackson. So Jihad Day is Saturday. Hoping to be wrong and these misfits that flooded in to the US don't start some $hit here. Might be a good excuse to initiate martial law. Hope I am overreacting.

I've not read yet, but let me say this first...

I listened to a Jew make the argument, citing some history, that Israel created or at least supported the creation of Hamas. It gives them an enemy and I suppose a reason to go after the people that they want to get rid of. In its Genesis, it's a false flag organisation giving them exactly what they need to, dare I say it, 'ethnic cleanse'.

In that context, you are seeing the end point of a long term plan designed to 'solve' the issue.

It might explain why Hamas has totally refused any solution over the years, and it certainly explains why the ball was dropped on the border that was previously tight enough to keep cats out.

The Middle East is insane, the more I learn, the dirtier it seems.

There isn't any just side here and there are so many little people caught up in it, and frankly they probably don't care much, just so long as they get to live in peace. Goes for both side and most of us I think.
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