The Lunatic Fringe - Political Chat

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You thought the propaganda coming out of Ukraine was over the top.
I don't know if true or not. 10% of everything.

3 days old now. Some people are so smart they're stupid. Reprehensible? BFD. You can't fart near their fence without them knowing.

3 days old now. Some people are so smart they're stupid. Reprehensible? BFD. You can't fart near their fence without them knowing.

Movements of anything the size of a cat were typically reported... so... yeah... nah. They let it happen.
Epstein this gaslighting jagbag already.

One of the fatal mistakes conservatives make when reporters approach them is to accept the assumptions underlying the reporter’s questions. Up in Canada, though, conservative Member of Parliament Pierre Poilievre, who is one of the Canadians who refuses to go along with Justin Trudeau’s hard-left agenda, refused to do that with a reporter. It’s wonderful.

While casually munching an apple, Poilievre insisted that the reporter define his terms and support his assertions. Then, when the reporter was brought to his knees, Poilievre simply and clearly made his case. It was minimalism at its best. This one video is a master class in dealing with the leftist media:

C'mon Lancers....everyone knows those types don't even own WORK boots
Where were Hillary's goon squad?
I'm surprised he wasn't summarily "escorted" out of there.
At the very least, shouldn't we have seen him yelling "Don't taze me bro!"
Who's the stupid bitch at the end who says "Every person on this stage has risked their life, their income, their reputation, their career.." The bullshit doesn't get any deeper than that right there. Hillary Clinton has absolutely risked NONE of those things
Dumberg. Greta should tag along so we would have someplace to plug in the tank when it runs out of electric power.

I've heard some really stupid shit during my time on this planet, but THAT is some world class stupidity right there
October 25, 2023

Hamas and the Politics of Hell​

How is it that so many elite university students sympathize with a terrorist organization?

I don't want to bury the lead here but found this statistic, quoted in the article, to be illuminating.
"The Harvard Crimson 2022 survey of faculty found that “more than 80 percent of Harvard faculty respondents characterized their political leanings as ‘liberal’ or ‘very liberal.’” Sixteen percent labeled themselves “moderate,” while “only 1 percent of respondents stated they are ‘conservative.’”
So, why would we ever expect the kids who attend there to "learn" anything but liberal ideals?
I'd really like to see the breakdown at other schools as well.
October 24, 2023

Gun Control: The End Results​

Yet another example of "those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it".
Here's an article noting how things may have been different in Ukraine and Israel if not for gun control.

By Civis Americanus

Albert Einstein said purportedly that "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results," and this applies squarely to restrictions on firearm ownership.
The video in question was a deepfake. In other words, genuine footage of Thunberg was digitally edited with fabricated audio to make it seem like she said these things.

Thanks pmbug!
The video in question was a deepfake. In other words, genuine footage of Thunberg was digitally edited with fabricated audio to make it seem like she said these things.

Thanks pmbug!
Who cares what 'Gretta' the NAZI says, or thinks...? Her 15 mins of fame is past it's "Use By" date.
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