The Lunatic Fringe - Political Chat

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Interesting interview. Covers a lot of ground.


Blaz Kavcic joins me to discuss the move to eliminate the dollar and the impending collapse of the western economy; the globalist agenda to collapse the economy; and Operation Steadfast Defender. He even analyzed Jill Stein's platform as she runs for president of the USA.
Milei sure does say a lot of the right things.
Yet, I still don't know exactly what to think of him.
I can't tell if he's simply extremely good at knowing when there's a photo op or if he truly means what he says and he truly wants to do the things he says.
Like immediately changing his religious affiliation?
The guy is spot on.
I just can't help to think what the reaction would be if a white man or woman said the same thing
If I've got a known drug house in Chile, the first thing I'm doing today is installing a zipline.
Even better if I can get a moat in there somewhere as well.
If even Stephen A gets it then it has to be abundantly clear.

Then they need to go after Barbara Walters and Charlie Rose too. They interviewed Putin. Oh they're dead? No matter they cancel dead Russians.

What happened in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017​


SWAT team enters Tropicana after Las Vegas Strip shooting​

Scroll down to Mobsteroida OP post for his take:
8th one down
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