The Republicans Received Justice

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Big Eyed Bug
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A lot of people are wringing their hands and bemoaning the results of the presidential election. I have read several op-ed pieces about voter fraud, election manipulation, etc. etc. ... all on the part of the 'bad guys' (Democrats).

I say, it is simply justice. Brutal justice, but still justice. Why?

Let's not forget how the GOP treated Dr. Ron Paul throughout the primaries. They used ever possible trick and deceit and when that failed, outright heavy-handed intimidation tactics to steal the nomination from Dr. Paul. Romney won his place by fraud and manipulation.

Jesus (whom the Republicans think is one of them) said, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap". There is a moral law that is as certain as the laws of physics. You sow what you reap.

Tonight the Republicans simply reaped on a national stage what they had been sowing in their primaries. God is a God of justice and He will not be mocked. Especially by the party that thinks He is on their side.

The GOP needs to do some serious soul-searching now. They need to apologize to the Ron Paul crowd, and those who really do love their country and freedoms need to work harder than ever to take over the party and make it a true alternative to the two-headed monstrosity of the Republicrats.

It won't be easy. But few things of value come easily. It's the difficulty of attaining them that gives them their value.

For now, though not an American, I carry on with my trust in God - not as a cutesy little slogan stamped on a coin, but as a guiding principle for life, and concern myself with the details of living my life one day at a time by God's grace.

On a purely political note, it is much better to have Obama at the helm and take the blame for the demise of the economy than the Republicans. If Romney would have been elected, it would have set the libertarian movement back a few years as they would have no chance in 2016 getting a man to run for office with an incumbent there. They need to start working TOMORROW at taking the GOP over at every level of their structure.
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Justin Raimondo with an epic rant on this subject:
... Yet we also should have no illusions: everyone saw how the GOP leadership, in league with the Romneyites, stole a good half of Ron Paul’s delegates to the national convention. It was such a brazen display of thievery that the Republican governor of Maine — where arguably the most egregious rip-off took place — refused to attend the Tampa coronation.
As I write, we don’t know who will win this presidential election, but I made my prediction long ago and I’m sticking to it. I even half-seriously averred that, by nominating a complete nonentity, the Republicans were deliberately throwing the election. Romney’s candidacy postponed the ideological blood feud that’s going to break out when he goes down to a well-earned defeat, but the Karl Rove/Fox News grand poobahs of the GOP can’t delay it indefinitely. Just add the Ron Paul vote to the Republican column, the day after the President declares victory, and see what you come up with. Most of Paul’s voters stayed home on election day, or else voted for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian standard-bearer this time around.

And that, I predict, will make all the difference.
Update: It’s 8:13 pm PST, and the President has been reelected. Once again, the neocons have dragged the GOP down to defeat. Netanyahu placed his bet on the wrong horse. In spite of soaring unemployment, a collapsing economy, and widespread disenchantment with the incumbent, the Republicans still managed to lose.


Conservatives will claim it’s because Romney stood for nothing — and that’s true in terms of domestic policy. He reversed himself on every major domestic issue, from health care to abortion and tax policy. But on foreign policy he did stand for something: a huge increase in the military budget in spite of our looming bankruptcy, unconditional support for Israel on each and every issue, and war with Iran. This was the main dividing line between the Ron Paulians and the Romneyites, and the main reason why no endorsement from Paul (the elder) was forthcoming. Given the closeness of the election in several key states, particularly Ohio — the state that put the President over the top — support from Paul’s voters would have made the difference. Ron got over 113,000 votes there in the GOP primary.

And that made all the difference.

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Check out the latest results here:
Select the "Show all candidates" link.

Notice that in a lot of the states that Obama won by a small margin that the Libertarian block that voted for Johnson would have made the difference for the Republicans. Factor in all the people who just declined to vote out of disgust with the Republican primary and you see how Obama won reelection.

Amusingly, Rosanne Barr recieved over 48,000 votes.
I'm glad my vote for Gary did not go unnoticed. When I stood in the booth, faced with a ridiculous list of candidates and a slew of asinine [Florida] constitutional amendments, I could not bring myself to vote for less worse and ticked the box for Gary.

Fuck it.
As I check Google's election results (far more comprehensive than any offered by the traditional media, by the way), Johnson has 1,012,617 votes, and exactly one percent of the vote. That's in contrast to Barack Obama's 52,796,274 and 49.6 percent of the vote, and Mitt Romney's 52,197,635 and 49.0 percent of the vote.

You'll note that the victor, Mr. Obama, has so far won a plurality rather than a majority. If that holds, and we can attribute it even in part to Johnson's vote total, I'd say that's a victory of its own.
Republicans really need to rethink their whole idea of 'electability'. Because they are going backwards. In 2008 they said McCain was more electable than Dr. Paul. In 2012 it was Romney who was 'more electable'.

Look at the numbers: they actually went DOWN in total votes.

2008 McCain / Palin 58,343,671 votes

2012 Romney/ Ryan 57,649,055 votes
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