The Windsor family were from the German Aristocratic family of Saxe Coburg Gotha

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GIM2 Refugee
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"The Windsor family were from the German Aristocratic family of Saxe Coburg Gotha, that borrowed money from the House of Rothschild & provided a safe haven for the founder of the Illuminati — Adam Weishaupt after he fled from Bavaria. Soon thereafter w/ Rothschild funding the Illuminati infiltrated European Freemasonry at the Wilhelmsbad Convention in 1789 transforming them from Christian values to a Luciferian ideology where they planned & instigated the French Revolution


“This combination of money, secrecy and royalty has gradually been evolving and about to reach it’s culmination as the long planned New World Order ruled from behind a curtain by the House of Rothschild with the House of Windsor as their front puppet and the Lodges of Freemasonry as their secret agencies carrying out the totalitarian will of their “Unknown Superior” the House of Rothschild! Fact is … the Money Rules!"”


British royal family change their name to Windsor - archive 1917​

One hundred years ago, King George V changed the name of the British royal family from the German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to the English Windsor

Richard Nelsson
Mon 17 Jul 2017 07.31 EDT

On 17 July 1917 King George V issued a proclamation declaring “The Name of Windsor is to be borne by His Royal House and Family and Relinquishing the Use of All German Titles and Dignities.”

This name change saw every German reference and title being replaced with something British. The use of “Degrees, Styles, Dignities, Titles and Honours of Dukes and Duchesses of Saxony and Princes and Princesses of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and all other German Degrees, Styles, Dignities, Titles, Honours and Appellations,” was to be discontinued.

The decision to adopt Windsor as the family name came amid strong anti-German feeling during the first world war. But the turning point was public anger at air raids over London, and in particular the bombing of a school in the East End.

On 13 June 1917, the Germans began daylight raids on Britain and in one of the first attacks 18 children were killed when a bomb fell directly onto Upper North Street School in Poplar. German Gotha bombers carried out the strike - by coincidence, the same name as the royal family.

News of the proposed name change first appeared in the Manchester Guardian in mid-June 1917.

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