Think you can hold a grudge? Crows can hold one for 17 years

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Are you the type who quickly forgives and forgets? Or do you still carry a burning sense of anger over small things that happened decades ago? If it is the latter, you may have something in common with crows.

The birds can harbour a grudge for as long as 17 years against those who upset or threaten them, a scientist has found.

If you ever find yourself dive-bombed or aggressively cawed at by a crow, you must ask yourself: did you do anything to upset that particular bird — or any of its friends or relatives — over the past two decades?

... ? Or do you still carry a burning sense of anger over small things that happened decades ago? If it is the latter, you may have something in common with crows.

I'm still pissed at CBS for limiting Ron Paul to 89 seconds of time in a 1 hour "debate" back in Nov 2011. Does that count?
I always wondered how a group of crows got named “a murder.”
I've got crows beat. I never forget and I never forgive. Life is simpler that way.
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