This is the way it is... NO other way

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Too many people are looking for a Deus ex Machina - a magical force - to come in and rescue it all, without effort. Oh, a lawsuit. Oh, a new political party...we'll call it the CONSTITUTION Party. Or the Trump Party.

Oh, Trump is gonna save everything! It'll all be fine next November.

Oh, QAnon has it all figured. Trump's secretly President - see, THIS LAW PROVES it. Trump's got a million secret militia members hidden away...they're gonna come out when __ happens.

Oh, Kennedy is gonna get the Democrats to stand up and stop this. Biden will be forced to resign, and we can put in a lawsuit proving Kameltoe is not eligible...and McCarthy is going to save us!


ONLY a general uprising is going to stop this.

And it has to be organic. And timing is everything. To give an example, John Brown intended to start a war to free the slaves, with weapons he'd steal at the Harper's Ferry armory. He called a war, but nobody came.

The time was not right; and Brown had no followers. He didn't motivate the public, and the public was not ready for the message.

A few years later, after Uncle Tom's Cabin was published, when the Southern States voted Secession to protect their "Peculiar Institution"...the public, this time, was ready. Abraham Lincoln was not that much more charismatic than John Brown, but this time, the people answered his call. As they did Jefferson Davis in the South.

There is no way to know how this will end, but only we will end it. And only in an organic mass movement - a leader emerges and the people are ready for his message.
how about Kennedy?

he is an Independent now

woot woot! 🤡
He could possibly get elected.

That's a long shot.

More likely he'll get wasted - seems that's how it goes, in his family.

But if he's elected and installed and takes office...little will change.

Because it's not something one man can control.

To change things, the Deep State has to be removed.

Firings won't work - the DS controls Federal, and other, judges.

Excretive Odors won't work - they'll be ignored, just as they were with Trump. All it will show is that the pResident is getting more obnoxious - quick, snipers wanted!

And the DS will mobilize the Woketard zombies - the same way they were mobilized to attack Trump, and even W. They give their orders, and the brain-dead zombies follow, riot and throw paving bricks on cue.

That's if Georg Soros got the pallets of paving bricks delivered on time.

No, it's going to take a movement of a large faction of citizens - driven by principle, but ready to effect violence in defense of that principle - only that way will things change. On the bodies of Deep State functionaries.
Kennedy is full on "Green Economy" and other things not compatible with my political bent.
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