This is why I have lost my tolerance it with the left.

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Retired Sailor
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... and this is coming from a gay, originally heavily left leaning dude.

... they need to be slapped around the face, hard. These IDIOTS need to wake up to themselves and realise that they dragged the fight into the gutter. I don't like that we have gone here, but I will fight these assholes to the end. It has gone too far, we are coming into an election year in the US it is going to get bat shit crazy, they will pull any stunt to tilt the playing field. Just you watch. Don't tolerate it, go for them hard, they have earned disrespect, give it to them.
I have been saying this for years. The left preaches tolerance and acceptance of all, but if you don't agree with them you are ridiculed, doxxed, etc. They are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. I distance myself from these toxic pieces of sh*t.
It used to be in the US that anyone could set up a soap box in the public square and say their piece to whomever would listen.

That is until the Progressives, not these late-to-the-party wannabe "New" Progressives, but the original Progressives circa 1920, would shout them down until they quit speaking. It created a gradual decline in speaking one's mind in public.

THIS is what Progressives are still doing today. They consider themselves 'enlightened', but in reality they are about as ignorant as a rock - my apologies to rocks.

They're 'movement' stems from perceived inequalities, i.e., the haves and the have nots, and so they attempt to push society to a more fair and equitable situation instead of getting off their collective asses and making something of themselves.

The reality is they are stupid. They don't know how to do anything but complain about their lot in life. Their actions have the effect of dragging everyone down to their base level, yet they believe they are 'progressing' society toward utopia. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The result of their actions is too many 'breeders' looking for a handout instead of a hand up. Ghetto poverty is a direct result of 'progressivism'. They repeatedly tell lies and believe them when the truth would do. Society shamefully 'accommodates' them instead of letting them starve to death of their own free will.

Anyone that points out the obvious truth is 'shouted down' (the same MO) and silenced, canceled.

As my father said: "You made your bed, now go sleep in it!"

Yep, nothing more than useful morons and they will be the first ones discarded. But they are too dumb to even notice.

You can really see this in the school systems. Since half the class cannot keep up in math class, they decided that math was "racist" and have dumbed the courses down so that nobody will get a good education. Good grammar? Racist as well. Now the kids who cannot structure a sentence will get the same grades as the literate kids. Kids are graduating high school with 8th grade math skills and 4th grade reading skills. Then they wonder why they aren't marketable. Public schools have to be one of the worst ROIs that I have ever seen.
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