Three Gorges Dam on borrowed time?

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Chinese rebar is nfg.
Chinese engineering.

That includes its studies as to what was to happen once the dam began holding water.

Second- and third-order effects and results, tend to escape the minds of Communists, socialists, central-planners, those who think the government should be the arbitrer of profits, permissions, Five-Year Plans. Those who want a system where persons in charge are selected for ideological conformity, not for a grasp of their subject of expertise.
Not bashing anyone here or anything but why bash Chinese engineering? Is the dam breaking apart or even cracking? This rain is a huge difference from the norm and yet the dam seems to be holding.
China has shit on the moon, the dark side even. US cant get it's astronauts back from near earth orbit. Chinese kids are excelling in school while US kids cant decide which gender they are.
Yes made in China used to be dogs hit stuff and probably still is. But, they got the ideas from the US and probably stole most of the designs and those designs are meant to fair rather quickly so consumers have to continually buy more.
The Chinese may excel by academic standards, the issue is how they apply knowledge (or don't). Their engineering tells them to do second and third order analyses, their political system tells them to GROW AT ALL COSTS. Anything that hinders growth is to be tossed aside.

China brought in foreign engineers when they were designing the the 3GD, they all left when the CCP began discarding anything that would hamper expediency. This isn't even an anecdote, it's on record in pretty much any engineering journal from the 80's and 90's. The CCP central planners thought they had enough of their design to complete the dam by themselves and off they went.
Politicians in charge of building the largest dam in the world. What could possibly go wrong?
They need to spend more time in Ca with Newsome. That high speed rail system they are building should be amazing with all the money being dumped into it and for as long as it is taking.
At least that didn't get off the ground. The dam did get completed and put like a half a Billion people in danger.
Trump could probably fix the dam and get the high speed rail done in a couple of years under budget.
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