Tin Foil Hats, Economic Reality and the Total Perspective Vortex

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Not enuf. Kill the mutha, find the muthafekker and kill him too.
Shee-itt, Cap'n. I've been wearing my cork life-vest and standing by the lifeboat since long ago, when you told me we MIGHT just hit.

I've done all I can. Warm clothes (out of paper investments) packet of wrapped food (PMs) and ready to help whoever comes to join me and send this thing down the track, over the side.

Problem is, no battle plan lasts longer than the first five minutes. Elsewhere, this morning, someone linked an article of a guy my age (late 60s) in Montana...he bought in, here, about the same time I first came out here. I was working for a contracting company out of Connecticut that had field crews working from Whitefish to Spokane.

This guy bought and stayed. I wandered the planet.

He bought a nice modest home. What was cheap then is several million dollars assessed value now, and his taxes are five-figures, up from about $5000 a few years ago.

I'm in an apartment, and I'm seeing a pattern. As less picturesque places get overrun with third-world invaders, where toddlers get stabbed in grocery carts while mom grabs a can of beans...here it's safe.

But here we're getting priced out.

I know, I know, we've talked about alternate choices. But my point is, I could have all these preps, and then be forced into $2000-a-month rent (many people are paying that NOW...RIGHT HERE...) while trying to find a way to live out of my pickup while still getting my mail and not disqualifying myself for my retirement (I have to have an address to get it, no lie, Railroad Retirement regs).

So it all goes to excrement. Just like that night on that riveted leaky British tub. Some guys planned and then didn't make it. Some stayed at their posts, like the one Marconi operator, and got saved by pure fate. Others didn't plan, panicked, and got a seat somehow. Too many rich men made it, and not enough steerage women and children.

You just never know. FWIW, I agree completely with your assessment of the current situation.
There's this news..

SA has joined the Mbridge project. It's a blockchain based payment system that does not use the dollar.

Lena seems to think that SA will play the middle ground between China and the US. In that they want to play both sides against the other in order to get the best deal for themselves.


There's this news..

SA has joined the Mbridge project. It's a blockchain based payment system that does not use the dollar.


Lena seems to think that SA will play the middle ground between China and the US. In that they want to play both sides against the other in order to get the best deal for themselves.

For the record, I don't think Saudi Arabia will do anything sudden or drastic. They are happy playing the USA and China against each other to extract maximum leverage from both.

I've been saying that (both here and on X) for almost a week now.
Jewish media commentary on the pending USA-KSA treaty the Biden admin is trying to broker:

It doesn't appear likely that the deal is going to happen.
This is the oil for dollars deal?

IMO, yes, but that's not explicit. It's actually a defense/security deal where the USA pledges to defend KSA with our military. I assume there is an unofficial quid pro quo element to it.
Quid pro quo.

The specifics don't even matter. And I think the Saudis know it, this "Green Energy" scheisse, will come to nothing.

They're buying in and kick-starting BRICS. This shows the depth to which they're fed up with the Untied Skates. For reasons valid, fair, and emotional and based on religious-cultural dogma and 5000-year hatreds...they're going forward without the US.

This is what the current Political Elites have done to our formerly-functional system and order.
I was searching for something today and ran across a couple of old posts related to Saudi Arabia and the petrodollar. They are a trip down memory lane and provide some perspective on this "June 9 petrodollar end" claim. There never was any specific language binding KSA to trading oil for dollars. That's always been a quid pro quo understanding that they could abandon at their peril and something that they have been threatening for over a decade now.

October 2013 - KSA threatens major shift in US relationship:
"The shift away from the U.S. is a major one," the source close to Saudi policy said. "Saudi doesn't want to find itself any longer in a situation where it is dependent."

October 2016 - KSA threatens to dump US treasuries (and implicit is that they reduce trade of oil for dollars)

October 2018 - KSA murders Jamal Khashoggi and MbS escapes punishment (petrodollar must flow)

Now that I took the time to compose this post, I'm starting to wonder if I can build a bunker between now and October. As a reminder, the BRICS meeting is scheduled for this October...
IMO, yes, but that's not explicit. It's actually a defense/security deal where the USA pledges to defend KSA with our military. I assume there is an unofficial quid pro quo element to it.
The original agreement in '74 also made no mention of oil.
RE: Concerning Saudi Arabia ( fwiw / dyodd )

Stories about the collapse of a longstanding 'petrodollar' agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia spread like wildfire on social media. But the agreement never existed.

It seemed like big news, and many wondered why the mainstream media had seemingly ignored it. Turns out, there was a very good reason.

Earlier this week, reports circulating widely on social-media platforms like X offered up a shocking proclamation: A 50-year-old agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia requiring that the latter price its crude-oil exports in U.S. dollars had expired on Sunday.

^^^ Exactly as I've been saying - it's been a quid pro quo arrangement whereby the USA provides security (military muscle in the mid east) and KSA trades in USD.
Regarding KSA/petrodollar - Rickards says pretty much what I've been saying:

He also had a note about the BRICS/"unit":
Interesting point about the BRICS membership expansion although I'm not sure that classifying China and Russia as "two weak emerging markets" is necessarily fair. China exports a lot of critical goods (including rare earth metals and such) while Russia is a huge exporter of energy (oil/gas).
This video regurgitates much of the information that has already been shared here...

For reference...

The Unit:

Last edited:
In this 20-minute BIS podcast they talk about regulating non-bank financial intermediaries, digital payment systems and more. Nothing to see, can listen in one tab, play around the forum in a different tab. Key word = regulate.

BISness podcast - Regulating non-bank financial intermediaries​

Jun 20, 2024

Former US Fed Chair Alan Greenspan referred to non-bank financial intermediaries (NBFIs) as the “spare tyre” for the financial system. This is because they can support the real economy when the banking system is under stress. NBFIs play a critical role in the financial system and include all financial intermediaries that are not banks. Within this universe are a subset of firms with various business models that provide credit to consumers and small businesses (“NBFI retail lenders”).

However, NBFI retail lenders are not subject to the same globally harmonised rules as banks. Therefore, a key question is whether a “bank like” prudential regulatory regime should apply to NBFIs, and if so, what it should look like.

In the latest episode of the BISness podcast, Financial Stability Institute Senior Advisors Johannes Ehrentraud and Raihan Zamil discuss these issues with Emma Claggett. Their recently published FSI Insights paper, co-authored with Elisabeth Noble (EBA) and Ségolène Mure (Bank of France), examines a range of regulatory regimes applicable to non-bank retail lenders and proposes a holistic policy approach to enhance their effectiveness: Safeguarding the financial system's spare tyre: regulating non-bank retail lenders in the digital era (bis.org)




More here along with some history.

Petrodollar Agreement Never Existed (Fake News) | World Still Runs on US Dollar​

Jun 28, 2024 #jenniferlammer #bondbeginners #bondmasters

FAKE NEWS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: There never was a Petrodollar agreement that could be expiring & there is no imminent threat of de-dollarization. Watch on as I talk about Petrodollars, Eurodollars & the agreement that the US & Saudi really have!



- Our Video On The Dominance Of The USD: https://youtu.be/fOkrJfqM9kI
- Daniel Yergin's The Prize
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_oil_crisis#/media/File:Crude_oil_prices_since_1861.png
- https://www.jstor.org/stable/4325256
- https://www.nytimes.com/1974/06/09/archives/milestone-pact-is-signed-by-us-and-saudi-arabia-acclaimed-by.html
- https://www.energyintel.com/00000184-15bf-df66-a797-ddffc2380000
- https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/programs/geoeconomics-center/dollar-dominance-monitor/#
- https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/notes/feds-notes/the-international-role-of-the-us-dollar-post-covid-edition-20230623.html#:
- https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/notes/feds-notes/the-international-role-of-the-us-dollar-post-covid-edition-20230623.html#
- https://finance.yahoo.com/
Lotta stuff here. Need some time to peruse it.

Skimming through the introduction...

BIS Annual Report said:
... The priority for monetary policy is to firmly re-establish price stability. ...

If they truly wish to achieve price stability, they are going to need to stop with the inflation targeting bullshit. Price stability = zero inflation.

They talk about price stability and taming inflation purely in the context of interest rate policy. Their problem is that deficit spending fiscal policies force more money creation and that means inflation is coming no matter what they do with rates.

This (bold emphasis is mine) is complete nonsense:
Kitco's take on the BIS report:

Found on a different forum. Posting as food for thought, take it fwiw and dyodd.

West's Colossal Failure: Peace Summit in Switzerland, US Decline, Rise of BRICS | Richard D. Wolff

Jun 21, 2024 Interviews

" when the capitalist class of the United States ,western Europe and Japan saw a profit opportunity in China, they went ,they made the deal, they said we want from you in China cheap labor and a growing market and the Chinese said we give you, that we give you cheap labor and we give you access to our Market It is the biggest fastest growing Market in the world and no capitalist could resist this they all went for the cheap labor the growing market and they gave the Chinese investment money and they signed contracts to Share technology. Nobody forced them to do any of this nobody had to steal anything from them they were willing to sell it they did sell it and the Chinese having figured out that the …"


Nearly all Chinese banks are refusing to process payments from Russia, report says​

  • Fearful of the US' secondary sanctions, nearly all Chinese banks are refusing payment transfers from Russia.
  • Russia has used smaller banks and non-US dollar currencies to bypass sanctions since the Ukraine invasion.
  • But the doors to alternative modes of transfers are closing fast. Russia is now looking to crypto and barter trade.
The impact of the West's sanctions just seems to be getting worse and worse for Russia.

Now, 98% of Chinese banks — even small regional ones — are refusing to accept direct Chinese payment transfers from Russia, Alexey Razumovsky, the commercial director of payments company Impaya Rus, told the pro-Kremlin Izvestia media outlet.

Such issues appear to have intensified over the last three weeks, because smaller Chinese financial companies were still processing Russian payments in May and June, per Izvestia.

This comes on the back of recent news that about 80% of bank transfers made in the Chinese yuan were bouncing back with no explanation after being stalled for weeks, while banks decide whether they could transact, Russian media outlet Kommersant reported last month.

Razumovsky said the payment challenges with Chinese banks could contribute to supply chain difficulties and inflation in Russia, per Izvestia.


Wildcard making wildcard moves...


In this one Mario talks a bit about Turkey applying for BRICS. While he does post up a couple of things, there really isn't much to see. Can listen in one tab and play around the form in a different tab.

Turkey Applies to BRICS: https://www.miragenews.com/turkey-applies-to-join-brics-amid-frustration-1307682/

Major Blow to Dollar and NATO as Turkey Applies for BRICS Membership​

Sep 3, 2024 #geopolitics #trade #money


Russia payment hurdles with China partners intensified in August: https://www.reuters.com/business/fi...rs-intensified-august-sources-say-2024-08-30/
In this one Mario talks about Russia buying gold, trading gold for oil, NATO, and more.

Russia Says It Will Buy Over 30 Tonnes of Gold in Next Month.​

Sep 5, 2024 #geopolitics #money #brics


Well, I don't disagree that times look bad.

But I thought this in 2009. An alien, a Kenyan national who went to school on a foreign-student scholarship, somehow deluded the Dumbo Party into believing his sudden recent claims of natural-born citizenship. His intelligence was obviously on the dark side of the Bell Curve, too.

That, and the stock-market crash - engineered, as I later saw. I was working out of Minnehaha, where Al Franken was engineering an obvious steal of a Senate seat. I thought, this is it - sensible people will never stand for it.

I was wrong. Just as people in the 1950s, doing their duck-and-cover drills, were wrong.

What's gonna happen now? I have no clue. But I no longer trust what instincts had told me it was going down, sixteen years ago.

It will be interesting to see how far along they are with plans for the UNIT.
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