Titanic-Wreck Tour Sub Charging $250,000 a Guest Has Gone Missing

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I don't think the bones would suffer as much as the soft tissue would disintegrate. I think they found remains on the bottom and brought them up.

There was talk about matching the dna - so there must have been bones on the bottom?

Too bad they didn't discuss that bit (bones) with more detail instead of leaving folks to wonder about it.

Coast Guard Video: Titan Sub Salvaged Off Ocean Floor​

Jeff Ostroff reviews videos released by the U.S. Coast Guard of the doomed OceanGate Titan submersible wreckage sitting on the ocean floor just 330 yards from the bow of the RMS Titanic, which sank in 1912. The wreckage of the OceanGate Titan sub was recorded as rescuers salvaged the debris from the bottom of the ocean floor with the Pelagius Research ROV known as Odysseus 6000. The ROV Odysseus 6K is an easily transportable, extremely capable and deep-sea system that integrates into ships. The ROV supports executing time-critical search, rescue, and recovery operations.

This video shows the Ocean Gate Titan submersible from a titanium hemisphere nose cone and a piece of carbon fiber in the foreground.


OceanGate Footage Shows Past Expeditions to Titanic Wreckage​

Footage posted on YouTube by OceanGate shows views of the Titanic wreckage and chronicles a “dive experience” to the site in 2022.

Amazing Titanic Wreck Footage | The Bow, Mast, Propellers and Engines​

I don't think the bones would suffer as much as the soft tissue would disintegrate. I think they found remains on the bottom and brought them up.
From what I've read, no human remains have ever been found of anyone who went down with the ship.

Not even bones, as they would have long since dissolved at that depth.
From what I've read, no human remains have ever been found of anyone who went down with the ship.

Not even bones, as they would have long since dissolved at that depth.
That was explained on another YouTube. At that pressure, the stuff bones are made of simply dissolve. There are vids of shoes laying near each other... but only shoes, no human trace. All explained with chemistry.

NTSB Titan Sub Report: Carbon Fiber Hull Defects, More​

Jeff Ostroff reviews photos and preliminary testing released by the NTSB of the doomed OceanGate Titan submersible wreckage sitting on the ocean floor just 330 yards from the bow of the RMS Titanic, which sank in 1912. Testing reveals defects during the carbon fiber hull manufacturing, and the RMS's potential failure (real-time hull monitoring system) to indicate a hull failure was imminent. The wreckage of the OceanGate Titan sub was recorded as rescuers salvaged the debris from the bottom of the ocean floor with the Pelagius Research ROV known as Odysseus 6000. The ROV Odysseus 6K is an easily transportable, competent, and deep-sea system that integrates into ships. The ROV supports executing time-critical search, rescue, and recovery operations.

This video shows the Ocean Gate Titan submersible from a titanium hemisphere nose cone and a piece of carbon fiber in the foreground.

Former OceanGate employee testifies CEO said he would ‘buy a congressman’ if the Coast Guard blocked Titan expedition​

By Caroline Jaime, CNN
2 minute read
Published 12:47 PM EDT, Fri September 27, 2024

Former OceanGate employee Matthew McCoy testified Friday that at a lunch meeting in September 2017, OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush told him that if he ran into any issues with the US Coast Guard ahead of the Titan expedition, Rush “would buy a congressman” and make the problems “go away.”

McCoy, a former Coast Guard member who was in the US Coast Guard Reserve at the time, brought up safety and regulatory concerns about the expedition at the meeting which Rush said they would get past by going through the Bahamas and launching out of Canada.


Titan Sub: OceanGate Employees Show What REALLY Happened​


How OceanGate Titan Sub Realtime Hull Monitor FAILED! RTM​

As the investigation of the OceanGate Titan submersible implosion continues, Jeff Ostroff gives a thorough analysis of how the Titan sub was equipped with an RTM early warning system designed to protect the human occupants, a patented safety feature known as the Real-Time Monitoring system.

This system of multiple sensors placed throughout the interior side of the carbon fiber pressurized hull was designed to give a series of feedback from acoustic sensors and strain gages to alert the occupants of the carbon fiber submersible to impending catastrophic damage to the hull.

It was supposed to give them enough warning time to resurface safely before the carbon fiber hull could implode or buckle instantly.

But on the morning of June 18th, 2023, history was made when the Ocean Gate Titan sub imploded leaving the world with questions on how this could have happened, and now that everybody knows how this sub was engineered, we are all wondering how this real-time monitoring system have failed and allowed the implosion of the Titan sub to progress without warning.

we are all wondering how this real-time monitoring system have failed and allowed the implosion of the Titan sub to progress without warning.
I'm not wondering. I already assumed that it was designed to same standards as the hull it was monitoring.
What is missing from the video is the selection. Obviously, the plant does not get every part of the cow. So which parts are designated and packed for McD hamburgers?

After three minutes, the video switches to the buns. Flour, yeast, blah, blah, blah. Not meat info.
And certainly not Titanic wreck exploration info. Even if the Titanic wreck explorers ate at McC before going to their death.

Considering that people died in the implosion, I am happy to learn that the lettuce for McD is washed well. At 5:33, the narrator says the chopped lettuce might be the most healthy thing in a McD burger.
The people on onboard were turned into mish when the vessel imploded.
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