Top ten signs you might be an obedience idiot

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An obedience idiot is someone who automatically believes "authority" figures and is easily brainwashed / gaslit by corporate media to believe a vast array of false things. In fact, the mind of an obedience idiot is filled with almost entirely with lies, having no anchor to truth or reality whatsoever.

Almost everyone you know is an obedience idiot. The endless, merciless pounding of psychological operations, fear campaigns and "crisis governance" has turned the vast majority of people into mindless compliance robots who go along with whatever absurd demand being placed on them by rogue governments. (Such as "all pregnant women must receive COVID vaccines" or "all school children need to wear masks and be isolated from each other.")

Frighteningly, obedience idiots rarely realize they are obedience idiots. That's because the rational part of their mind has been either bypassed or nullified through careful "fear engineering" by the regimes in power. That's why the following list might be helpful for certain people to self-diagnose their obedience idiocy... if they dare.

Top ten signs you might be an obedience idiot​

#1) You immediately take every vaccine shot pushed by the (pharma-funded) corporate media and authoritarian government, because you naively believe they want what's best for you. You require no evidence of safety of efficacy and you don't read vaccine insert sheets. You take the shots solely because you are obedient.

2) You keep all your assets in fiat currency / US dollars because you think alternative assets -- gold, silver, crypto -- are untrustworthy... even while your US dollars are losing nearly 2% per month in purchasing power. You will hold on to dollars until the very end, when they become worthless thanks to money printing devaluation / hyperinflation.

3) You hate Donald J. Trump because your emotional state is easily manipulated by the corporate media which has conspired with the lying deep state to try to destroy Trump for years. Your emotions are fully controlled by the CIA-run corporate media and you have been programmed like a Pavlovian dog to invoke hatred at the sight of Trump.

4) You use Google as your search engine and you believe all the globalist-funded "fact checkers" on Facebook and YouTube. You believe "authoritative sources" even though they routinely and maliciously lie, and you despise the alternative media that tells the truth. You are programmed, in other words, to automatically believe official lies while rejecting obvious truth.

5) You've been brainwashed into thinking carbon dioxide -- the molecule responsible for photosynthesis and literally all plant life on planet Earth -- is a danger to the planet. And you are opposed to a warm, wet, lush, green planet because you believe a cold, dead, lifeless planet with no CO2 in the atmosphere would somehow be better. You argue for the total destruction of Earth's atmosphere while somehow thinking you are "saving the planet."

6) You celebrate the surveillance state because "I don't have anything to hide," and you gladly install Amazon spy devices in your home that listen to every conversation and control your life. You think government surveillance of private citizens is necessary for "public safety" and you gladly give up your privacy in exchange for the illusion of security. You also probably don't mind being micro-chipped.

7) You have no idea that Joe Biden received $20 million in bribes from foreign entities because you only watch the CIA-controlled corporate media, and they aren't reporting on the Biden crime cartel bribery scandal. You also think that cocaine in the White House somehow had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

8) You are dumb enough to literally believe that a man can become a woman, and you think that men can get pregnant. You also think that a child can consent to have their genitals mutilated and sliced off in order to achieve "gender affirmation" status. You think the government is the appropriate place to promote the LGBT cult -- a kind of twisted religion -- even though you despise Christianity and would never want government to promote the Bible or wave Bible flags all over the place. But LGBT pedophile flags are perfectly okay with you because you think grooming children is "inclusive." Beyond merely being an obedience idiot, if you worship the LGBT agenda, you are actually a member of a dangerous cult.

9) You refuse to see the evil in anyone other that Donald Trump supporters or Christians, and you think that "good intentions" from those in power will always produce positive results, even if it means denying people freedom and liberty. You think nearly all criminals should be released onto the streets to be given yet another chance, and you refuse to hold anyone accountable for their criminal behavior. You naively believe that the Biden regime wants to help the American people rather than destroy America, and you are convinced that Big Pharma's vaccines are expressions of love and healing rather than the actual depopulation bioweapons they truly are.

10) You support the tyrannical dictatorship of Ukraine while believing you are "defending freedom" even though Ukraine's corrupt government has outlawed all opposition media and opposing political parties, creating a one-party dictatorial state. You think sending more guns to Ukraine and defending Ukraine's borders is awesome, but you think Americans should have no guns and no border protection. That's because you're a compliant idiot who can hold two opposing thoughts in your head at the same time and somehow believe both of them are true.

Don't be an obedience idiot​

- Public schools and universities breed obedience idiots. If you have children or grandchildren, don't allow them to be brainwashed in government schools. School them locally and privately instead.

- Get your news and information outside the controlled corporate media. Otherwise, you will never know the truth about anything. Check out or

- Always be suspicious of the "new thing" that suddenly trends across social media, involving millions of people changing their social media icons to something like the Ukraine flag, or the LGBT flag, or vaccine icons, etc. Every "new thing" that sweeps across the mindless masses is, almost by definition, another psy-op for obedient idiots.

- If you find yourself agreeing with your family members and friends who you've known to be obedience idiots, check yourself. Have you been suckered into mindless compliance on some issue? Jolt yourself awake from the hypnosis and reassert critical thinking. This will break the spell and restore your rationality.

- Nearly everything the mainstream media tells you is an engineered lie. This is why Fox News had to fire Tucker Carlson -- because he was uttering too much truth for the Fox globalists to stomach. (Tucker is going to launch his own media empire, so he gets the last laugh.)

An obedience idiot is someone who automatically believes "authority" figures and is easily brainwashed / gaslit by corporate media to believe a vast array of false things. In fact, the mind of an obedience idiot is filled with almost entirely with lies, having no anchor to truth or reality whatsoever.

Almost everyone you know is an obedience idiot. The endless, merciless pounding of psychological operations, fear campaigns and "crisis governance" has turned the vast majority of people into mindless compliance robots who go along with whatever absurd demand being placed on them by rogue governments. (Such as "all pregnant women must receive COVID vaccines" or "all school children need to wear masks and be isolated from each other.")

Frighteningly, obedience idiots rarely realize they are obedience idiots. That's because the rational part of their mind has been either bypassed or nullified through careful "fear engineering" by the regimes in power. That's why the following list might be helpful for certain people to self-diagnose their obedience idiocy... if they dare.

Top ten signs you might be an obedience idiot​

#1) You immediately take every vaccine shot pushed by the (pharma-funded) corporate media and authoritarian government, because you naively believe they want what's best for you. You require no evidence of safety of efficacy and you don't read vaccine insert sheets. You take the shots solely because you are obedient.

2) You keep all your assets in fiat currency / US dollars because you think alternative assets -- gold, silver, crypto -- are untrustworthy... even while your US dollars are losing nearly 2% per month in purchasing power. You will hold on to dollars until the very end, when they become worthless thanks to money printing devaluation / hyperinflation.

3) You hate Donald J. Trump because your emotional state is easily manipulated by the corporate media which has conspired with the lying deep state to try to destroy Trump for years. Your emotions are fully controlled by the CIA-run corporate media and you have been programmed like a Pavlovian dog to invoke hatred at the sight of Trump.

4) You use Google as your search engine and you believe all the globalist-funded "fact checkers" on Facebook and YouTube. You believe "authoritative sources" even though they routinely and maliciously lie, and you despise the alternative media that tells the truth. You are programmed, in other words, to automatically believe official lies while rejecting obvious truth.

5) You've been brainwashed into thinking carbon dioxide -- the molecule responsible for photosynthesis and literally all plant life on planet Earth -- is a danger to the planet. And you are opposed to a warm, wet, lush, green planet because you believe a cold, dead, lifeless planet with no CO2 in the atmosphere would somehow be better. You argue for the total destruction of Earth's atmosphere while somehow thinking you are "saving the planet."

6) You celebrate the surveillance state because "I don't have anything to hide," and you gladly install Amazon spy devices in your home that listen to every conversation and control your life. You think government surveillance of private citizens is necessary for "public safety" and you gladly give up your privacy in exchange for the illusion of security. You also probably don't mind being micro-chipped.

7) You have no idea that Joe Biden received $20 million in bribes from foreign entities because you only watch the CIA-controlled corporate media, and they aren't reporting on the Biden crime cartel bribery scandal. You also think that cocaine in the White House somehow had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

8) You are dumb enough to literally believe that a man can become a woman, and you think that men can get pregnant. You also think that a child can consent to have their genitals mutilated and sliced off in order to achieve "gender affirmation" status. You think the government is the appropriate place to promote the LGBT cult -- a kind of twisted religion -- even though you despise Christianity and would never want government to promote the Bible or wave Bible flags all over the place. But LGBT pedophile flags are perfectly okay with you because you think grooming children is "inclusive." Beyond merely being an obedience idiot, if you worship the LGBT agenda, you are actually a member of a dangerous cult.

9) You refuse to see the evil in anyone other that Donald Trump supporters or Christians, and you think that "good intentions" from those in power will always produce positive results, even if it means denying people freedom and liberty. You think nearly all criminals should be released onto the streets to be given yet another chance, and you refuse to hold anyone accountable for their criminal behavior. You naively believe that the Biden regime wants to help the American people rather than destroy America, and you are convinced that Big Pharma's vaccines are expressions of love and healing rather than the actual depopulation bioweapons they truly are.

10) You support the tyrannical dictatorship of Ukraine while believing you are "defending freedom" even though Ukraine's corrupt government has outlawed all opposition media and opposing political parties, creating a one-party dictatorial state. You think sending more guns to Ukraine and defending Ukraine's borders is awesome, but you think Americans should have no guns and no border protection. That's because you're a compliant idiot who can hold two opposing thoughts in your head at the same time and somehow believe both of them are true.

Don't be an obedience idiot​

- Public schools and universities breed obedience idiots. If you have children or grandchildren, don't allow them to be brainwashed in government schools. School them locally and privately instead.

- Get your news and information outside the controlled corporate media. Otherwise, you will never know the truth about anything. Check out or

- Always be suspicious of the "new thing" that suddenly trends across social media, involving millions of people changing their social media icons to something like the Ukraine flag, or the LGBT flag, or vaccine icons, etc. Every "new thing" that sweeps across the mindless masses is, almost by definition, another psy-op for obedient idiots.

- If you find yourself agreeing with your family members and friends who you've known to be obedience idiots, check yourself. Have you been suckered into mindless compliance on some issue? Jolt yourself awake from the hypnosis and reassert critical thinking. This will break the spell and restore your rationality.

- Nearly everything the mainstream media tells you is an engineered lie. This is why Fox News had to fire Tucker Carlson -- because he was uttering too much truth for the Fox globalists to stomach. (Tucker is going to launch his own media empire, so he gets the last laugh.)

😂Brah! 90% truth 10% horseshit.

"An obedience idiot is someone who automatically believes "authority" figures and is easily brainwashed / gaslit by corporate media to believe a vast array of false things. In fact, the mind of an obedience idiot is filled with almost entirely with lies, having no anchor to truth or reality whatsoever."
What is a Chabadism?

Who was behind 'Warp Speed'?

Who appointed Fauci?

Who's been financing Trump's "empire" from the beginning?

Who does Trump surround himself with?
Who appointed Fauci?

Fauci began his tenure as the Director of the NIAID in 1984 under President Ronald Reagan. He served in this role for 39 years, until his retirement at the end of 2022.

Who's been financing Trump's "empire" from the beginning?


Of course there are some who think it may have been the boys from Brighton Beach.

Who does Trump surround himself with?

That was fun.
Trump is a loudmouth bully. With that said, this country, and much of the world, was in much better shape with him in charge.
Fauci began his tenure as the Director of the NIAID in 1984 under President Ronald Reagan. He served in this role for 39 years, until his retirement at the end of 2022.
Summarized that quite well actually.
Almost sounds like a decent hardworking guy,...🫠'cept for all the death left in his wake.

i vaguely remember there was that other time, possibly around 2020ish maybe, when some president guy,...🤔ahhh, shit i can't recall the name of,....he appointed benevolent old "Dr" Fauci to the "Coronavirus Task Force" didn't he?

Probably not the most prudent move chuckin 'em in a leading role like that really ....considering what Fauci did to those poor orphans in NY during the first half of the 2000s.

Of course it's highly doubtful a US President would be aware of Fauci's mystery jab shenanigans in NY, nor the bunch of dead children.


Of course there are some who think it may have been the boys from Brighton Beach.
😂...Hoe Lee Fuckin Shitler, somebody get this man a Sniggers on the double!
Oh, and that proceeding link was,...umm..."very thorough",....🤣omfg!

Nah sorry mate, not meaning to be rude, it's just that i was expecting something more, ahhh,...fuck knows really, maybe compelling or someshit i guess.

But don't get me wrong, coz it was an entertaining minutes read—especially with such a thoughtful author doing us all a solid by skipping right on over the cheesy bits where Donald meets up with what's his face,...Willy. Ya'll definitely wouldn't have heard of him, he's a cheerful lookin chap, who, at the time they hooked up, was running NM Rothschild & son's - "Bankruptcy Restructuring Practice".


That was fun.
🤠 Welcome to pop on over and meet some of the comedic geniuses
Jeez... What a hiney spankin'... Step by far-reaching step, all error exposed for the locked mindset it is.

The infection is to the bone, so the lesson will be shrugged off when the next mental masturbation urge looms.
Welcome to pop on over and meet some of the comedic geniuses
Popped on over and had a few laughs:

The "what is trump" thread is a bit over the top (imo.)

Did see a name I'm pretty familiar with.

Didn't stay too long. Not my cup of tea.
But, searcher... in an attempt to find some sort of common ground:

Your one-note drumbeat is the same as that old "indian" dude beating a drum in the face of the clean-cut kid.

I took that test that graphs your mental positions. I wound up in the dead center. HAH... Just found it. OOPS... Turns out I am not in the dead center. I definitely lean right. By a hair.
Your one-note drumbeat is the same as that old "indian" dude beating a drum in the face of the clean-cut kid.

That's only about Trump. Check out my other threads. No politics, no Trump, just regular stuff. Some good - some not so good.

BTW...........who do you think will be the next one to indite Trump again? Jack Smith or Fani Willis? I'm thinking Willis. Gonna be more than Trump with her.

Edit to add: Decided to take a break from opinion pieces related to Trump. Simply going to post actual news. Hopefully that'll cut down on the drum beating big time.

But before I do..........I'm going to go out on a limb and make a prediction. Trump has been indicted in the docs case. I think he'll soon be indicted in Georgia and indicted for Jan 6. If this comes to fruition, I think something will happen to tie everything together and that somehow Trump will be given an opportunity to get outta everything by pleading guilty, paying a gigantic (billions) fine, getting out of American politics (lock-stock & barrel) for good then be given probation.

Who knows.............a pardon may even be offered it he plays ball with tptb. Time will tell.
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Well, they're going to have to do something to get him out of politics. They've thrown just about everything they can think of at him besides that overdue library book from 1968. He scares the deep state shitless.
Here's what I think: Trump will get indicted over and over (two other BS things have just been announced). This cabal/lib crap has gotten to the point where even anti-Trumpers (*ahem*) can see the lopsided and obscene use of the cabal-captured/owned legal system of many states.

They will all be used to try to prevent the voters of America from electing Trump as president again.

Including using blatant and obvious vote fraud (boarding up windows at the vote counting places, delivery trucks full of phony votes.) <-- Happily pointed to by some libs as they gladly accept owned judges saying "no standing". Some libs are in favor of the idea of a single judge able to stop justice from happening. Very pleasing to some. These libs stupidly+ revel in the evil this represents.

The corollary problem:

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH LIBS? Vice president B.iden's GARAGE (not legal papers in the real president's safe) illegally full of that which they accuse Trump. <-- Address that before uttering another word about Trump.

Video footage of the sitting vice president bragging how he interfered and changed the functioning of another country's legal system. (BTW: In order to protect his son and gather his half of the $10 MM bribe!)

The Laptop From FBI Hell. Underage girls pictured doing coke with Hunter... and doing Hunter.

The whistleblowers, blowing up Congress with the real facts about the control the CCP has over the sitting president. Don't forget the Chicom money trail, 'kay? The prostitute?

The fact (not supposition) that there is a proxy B.iden.

The BLATANT FBI/DOJ/IRS weaponization.

The Lolita Express and the blackmail by the CIA.

And a ton more that anyone here could add to the above. It is an impossibly one-sided pile of Schiff.

But all the media (and pocket libs) see and say is "Trump". No videos of Trump interfering with Ukraine. No videos of Trump shitting himself. Nothing but: "Find something!! FIND IT!! NOW!!"

Chicanery at this level is far too blatant to be ignored... and it is not being ignored. The cabal/libs play their dirty game at full throttle, making huge mistakes and getting outed for their bias. They are known for killing those that get in the way. nem. con.

And those who champion this third-world bullshit will be forever known and covered with it. Stained.
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Democrats are fine with all that. Their demagogue can do no wrong. Remember, they were actually fine with electing Granny Scandals! :ROFLMAO: They honestly don't care about the pedophilia. They don't care that Joe liked showering with his eleven year old daughter. They don't care about the bribes. They don't care that Pedo Joe is completely, 100% owned by Communist China. They are just fine with drag queens twerking in front of Elementary school children. They are fine with biologically intact men taking all the sports records away from biological women. They are fine with biological men sitting in women's locker rooms watching the women disrobe. They are fine with public schools giving young children puberty blockers and telling the kids to not tell their parents. They simply don't care. All that matters to them is party over country. This is today's democrat party.
Here's what I think: Trump will get indicted over and over (two other BS things have just been announced). This cabal/lib crap has gotten to the point where even anti-Trumpers (*ahem*) can see the lopsided and obscene use of the cabal-captured/owned legal system of many states.

They will all be used to try to prevent the voters of America from electing Trump as president again.

The corollary problem:

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH LIBS? Vice president B.iden's GARAGE (not legal papers in the real president's safe) illegally full of that which they accuse Trump. <-- Address that before uttering another word about Trump.

Video footage of the sitting vice president bragging how he interfered and changed the functioning of another country's legal system. (BTW: In order to protect his son and gather his half of the $10 MM bribe!)

The Laptop From FBI Hell. Underage girls pictured doing coke with Hunter... and doing Hunter.

The whistleblowers, blowing up Congress with the real facts about the control the CCP has over the sitting president. Don't forget the Chicom money trail, 'kay? The prostitute?

The fact (not supposition) that there is a proxy B.iden.

The BLATANT FBI/DOJ/IRS weaponization.

The Lolita Express and the blackmail by the CIA.

And a ton more that anyone here could add to the above. It is an impossibly one-sided pile of Schiff.

But all the media (and pocket libs) see and say is "Trump". No videos of Trump interfering with Ukraine. No videos of Trump shitting himself. Nothing but: "Find something!! FIND IT!! NOW!!"

Chicanery at this level is far too blatant to be ignored... and it is not being ignored. The cabal/libs play their dirty game at full throttle, making huge mistakes and getting outed for their bias. They are known for killing those that get in the way. nem. con.

And those who champion this third-world bullshit will be forever known and covered with it. Stained.
I think the dems want Trump to get nomination....get on the ballots...then disqualify him at a late hr so the pubs can't replace him on the ticket making a easy win....thats also why a viable 3rd party candidate is double trouble for them
How will they disqualify him? Criminal conviction is no disqualification. Eugene Debs ran for President from a prison cell.

Aaron Burr, sitting Vice President, was indicted for homicide in New York - for the dueling death of Alexander Hamilton.

He was not removed, nor was he arrested.

They can convict Trump of all the Process Crimes, violating all the Statutes of Limitations, they like. What Trump's options are, I don't know - but these don't disqualify.
Aaron Burr, sitting Vice President, was indicted for homicide in New York - for the dueling death of Alexander Hamilton.
Trivia: I read a treatise on that duel. Alexander Hamilton's dueling pistols had a secret... and that secret is believed to be the reason Hamilton lost the duel.

The pistols had special brass forends for steadier shooting. Unlike other pistols of the time, these had front and rear sights for better aiming.

But that was not the secret. The triggers could be set to hair-pressure by pushing the trigger forward, setting the firing pressure to just a touch.

It is believed by many that Hamilton set the trigger, then accidentally just brushed it with his finger as he was bringing it to bear. Fired prematurely. He just missed Burr and hit a tree right next to him.

So Hammy got hoisted by his own sneeeeky petard. Burr shot him in the guts.
How will they disqualify him? Criminal conviction is no disqualification. Eugene Debs ran for President from a prison cell.

Aaron Burr, sitting Vice President, was indicted for homicide in New York - for the dueling death of Alexander Hamilton.

He was not removed, nor was he arrested.

They can convict Trump of all the Process Crimes, violating all the Statutes of Limitations, they like. What Trump's options are, I don't know - but these don't disqualify.
am i wrong that conviction of "insurrection" or a Felony are not disqualifiers ???

Edit to add.......yep it appears i am wrong LOL
It's a witch hunt using a kangaroo court in a banana republic. Sorry guys, I planned on leaving for greener pastures because the rot is so deep.

And don't believe everything you see on television. There are nice places that are less expensive and less intrusive into private lives.
Get ready, liberals. The government should be telling you what the next new thing is any day now. :ROFLMAO:

Remember, the important thing is that you OBEY.

Sorry guys, I planned on leaving for greener pastures because the rot is so deep.

If you do leave, I hope you do a thread on it.

Reasons, research as to locals, why you picked your local, getting ready / packing, actual move and afterwards. Would be a great thread.

Good luck if you do give it a go.


Knew a girl in high school who moved to New Zealand during the Regan years. Had no clue she moved until I ran into her online. Sent her a message asking about the move.

She said that both her and her husband had been thinking about the move for quite a while due to the possibility of nuclear war, but they also wanted a slower pace of life in a rural area where the people weren't too political and where they literally could start a new life away from America.

Not going to go on and on, but she did say they were both happy with their new life and had no intention of coming back here.
If you do leave, I hope you do a thread on it.

Reasons, research as to locals, why you picked your local, getting ready / packing, actual move and afterwards. Would be a great thread.

Good luck if you do give it a go.


Knew a girl in high school who moved to New Zealand during the Regan years. Had no clue she moved until I ran into her online. Sent her a message asking about the move.

She said that both her and her husband had been thinking about the move for quite a while due to the possibility of nuclear war, but they also wanted a slower pace of life in a rural area where the people weren't too political and where they literally could start a new life away from America.

Not going to go on and on, but she did say they were both happy with their new life and had no intention of coming back here.

New Zealand sounds nice until you realize just how totalitarian their government is. Almost as bad as Australia, where they took people's children, placed them in an arena, and force "vaccinated" them. No thank you. Some people might like living like that, but some people would probably enjoy prison as well.

Glad that Ardern lady stepped down to pursue her dream of competing in the Preakness.


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That and more.
So you agree that the Peoples Right to keep and to bear arms should not be infringed upon?
That no guns currently available to the public should be banned?
That draconian laws that violate the intent of the 2nd Amendment in certain States should be repealed?

If so, glad to hear it. Based on your previous posts, I had always thought that you were in favor of gun bans and more restrictions on the Peoples Right to own and carry them. If I was wrong on that, I do apologize.
New Zealand sounds nice until you realize just how totalitarian their government is.
☝️😎Fuckin oath mate.

Apparently the official term for the New Zealand Corporation's governmental enslavement system is: "Democratic Socialism"—(basically a swinish euphemism for: Covert Communism)

Almost as bad as Australia, where they took people's children, placed them in an arena, and force "vaccinated" them. No thank you. Some people might like living like that, but some people would probably enjoy prison as well.
NZ is essentially an optionally recognized Aussie State according to concealed records.

The actuality is that NZ Corp stooges also kidnapped children and forcefully clotshotted them.
The Corp propagandists down here are very well funded and far more capable than the Aussie equivalent at concealing the Truth from the outside world.

You're definitely not wrong imo, in the sense that some people down here probably would enjoy prison.
😂 Ain't gonna lie, I have often thought about why the fuck most here are so shamelessly submissive to tyranny.
Might be due to the majority descending directly from British imported order followers and various other enslaved peoples like the greedy cannibalistic Maoris.
I dunno but I sometimes wonder if the reason I ain't like these other sniveling NZ dipshits may be due to descending of a European bloodline from the States.

Glad that Ardern lady stepped down to pursue her dream of competing in the Preakness.

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☝️😎 Pretty sure that is a - He
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